Squash Training Videos for kids
Published: 02 May 2010 - 12:51 by squashtraining
Updated: 05 May 2010 - 17:44
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squash training video & quash tips and tricks for kids:
![squash game squash extras](http://www.squashgame.info/images/info.png)
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From Sweely - 05 May 2010 - 17:44
From Honu - 02 May 2010 - 13:42
My 7 year old son and I are new to squash and would like to hear what anyone thinks is the best way for us to begin understanding the rules of the game. Believe it or not he has me running after balls already and having heeps of fun. We should probably start to learn the rules soon. We have a court in our apartment building and can play daily so I'd like to keep him excited about his new sport.
Many thanks.
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I train squash in Stockholm. My advice to you would be to visit YouTube. THey have lots of information about playing squash, including all the basic rules and stances.
Good luck!
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