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BUCS 2010

Published: 03 Mar 2010 - 22:37 by aprice1985

Updated: 09 Mar 2010 - 00:56

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The British University championships were completed this week and I find it somewhat strange that the winners seemed to be two professional squash players, Mohamed El-Shorbagy and Vanessa Atkinson.  I wonder if they are actually at their universities full time and if not is there much point in universities parachuting in pros for this sort of event, surely it would be far better to allow people who are students full time and not playing professionally to get the chance to compete in this event with a chance of winning.

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From aprice1985 - 09 Mar 2010 - 00:56

I think it is a bit sad that the uni tourneys need sponsorship and so on and have to have celebrities in to attract it.  The courts are part of the uni, there must be enough qualified people from all the uni combined willing to help that costs should be minimal, but then again our uni courts are now essenitally private so would still demand cash for uni comps.  I just feel that it could go back to unis competing just for the pride of having the best squash team for that year, I don't think anyone feels that whichever uni has the two winners actually has the best team as the will probably not appear again this year.  Also what degree are they getting and does it degrade the degree if people are getting onto them just for their sporting ability.

Both of these players have such ability and such opportunities that I really feel that shouldn't need to play these sort of events and it could be left to students of the unis to have their shot at glory.

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From rippa rit - 04 Mar 2010 - 07:50   -   Updated: 04 Mar 2010 - 07:52

aprice I think we have two categories here and I guess it is up to the establishment to set the rules and there very well may be some in place, but not very stringent ones:

  • Open Tournament (open to Uni students)
  • Closed Tournament (open to the local uni students of that college/Uni whatever, or even open to unranked players, as per the set rules decided by the Uni)
  • Include Graded Events into the tournament

That is a fairly common problem in schools, unis and clubs when holding a tournament or teams competition.  The problems are always much the same stuff, eg

  • Top players do attract sponsorship
  • How best to distribute the sponsorship to the competitors, eg quarter finalists, semis, winners.
  • Finding an experienced Hon Tournament Organiser to run such an event. Well, an event where players get paid while the Organiser is responsible for all the work and hassles!!




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From mike - 03 Mar 2010 - 23:29

It was similar when Shorbagy was still in high school in England. He played in the schools competition (line 1 funnily enough) and he was ranked in the PSA top 20 at that time.

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