Dunlop Aerogel Ultimate or Prince O3 Black
Published: 20 Feb 2010 - 00:07 by noyap
Updated: 10 Mar 2010 - 20:36
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Hi there squash gurus, I'm about to buy a couple of squash rackets and can't decide over the Dunlop Ultimate or the O3 Black. I've been using Head rackets, mostly metallix 140, aerogels 135 and110 for the past few years but find that breakage is a problem, so I want to try other brands. Looking at the head shapes, I'm more inclined to go for the Dunlop, but I've heard the O3 produces excelent power, something I lack when I use the lighter Heads. I've always been inclined to go for head light rackets and wonder if the O3 will be radically different to what I now use. Cheers !!!! Pablo

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From brainii - 10 Mar 2010 - 20:36
From brainii - 10 Mar 2010 - 20:34
From rippa rit - 20 Feb 2010 - 08:59
Take a read of the "Relevant Content" tabs (top lefthand column)... sure to be plenty of advice there.
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I've been using a Prince O3 black for 2-3 years now.
It is VERY durable and light and it's true it generates lots of power even with the factory strings (which are quite durable).
The grip is also quite thin, if you like that.
I'm now playing on titanium strings (they are rubbish but unbreakable) and I can still have lots of power (not as much as with factory ones).
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