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Burning river classic

Published: 31 Jan 2010 - 06:43 by aprice1985

Updated: 31 Jan 2010 - 06:43

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I don't know if anyone else got the oppertunity to watch the matches on saturday night even if they were only the 2nd round qualifiers, I thought the streaming was very good quality for the size of event.  The only link i have is off another squash website so I don't know if Rita/Ray want the link up.  Watching the players gave me a number of thoughts;

1) they get the racquets back so much better than any of the players I encounter, it is such a natural part of their swing to have it back into the ready position after each shot

2) The stand quite far to one side of the T during rallies a lot of the time, presumably they can predict well which way the ball is going, there seem to be a few less of the random shots going cross court than at the level I play at!

3) the biggest decider of the matches was not the quality of the shots but of the shot selection and tactics, who thought best really did win

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