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Squash Court prices

Published: 25 Jan 2010 - 05:29 by jimbob1965

Updated: 08 May 2010 - 06:39

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A bit of help from UK based players if I may.  If you play squash on courts in local authority run leisure centres, I would appreciate it if you could answer the following:

  1. What do you pay in total (i.e. before splitting the cost between players) for a peak hours court and how long is the session?
  2. What are classed as peak hours?
  3. What is the off peak rate?
  4. What is your location? (county or region will be fine if you don't want to reveal your exact location)
  5. How many local authority courts are there in your town/city?
  6. What is the population of your town/city?

The reason I ask is that the local authority where I live has at the start of 2010 to our astonishment applied a huge 25% increase in court charges.  A peak hours court now costs £7.00 for 40 mins, up from £5.60.  We have been told this is due to cost increases and the need to relate prices more to costs of operation.  It is also considered that £3.50 per player for a game of squash still represents 'value for money'. 

In any future discussions with the council, it would be useful to have some data from other areas as a benchmark so I hope UK players can respond to this request.

Many thanks in advance for your help


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From stevee10001 - 08 May 2010 - 06:39

  1. I pay 4.75 which me and my partner pay in turn

  2. it stays the same price

  3. N/A

  4. my court is near chester/warrington

  5. 1 in my local area but several in the towns mentioned above but the rates are around the 6-8 pound mark

  6.  small population around 100,000 but i live close to larger citys

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From Adz - 28 Jan 2010 - 19:28

Answers below:

  1. What do you pay in total (i.e. before splitting the cost between players) for a peak hours court and how long is the session? - £6.30 per session or £5.45 concessionary - 45 mins
  2. What are classed as peak hours? - After 5.30pm (I think!!)
  3. What is the off peak rate? - I don't think it's different as I've also paid £6.30 in the morning and afternoon
  4. What is your location? (county or region will be fine if you don't want to reveal your exact location) - Neath Port Talbot County in South Wales
  5. How many local authority courts are there in your town/city? 2 locations with 3 each, used to be 3 locations totalling 12 courts but 1 closed and 2 lowered court numbers
  6. What is the population of your town - There's roughly 138k people (Wikipedia)


They also do a membership scheme which gives you half of the squash court cost for free. Priced between £21 and £30 per month (I think Civil Service, Nurses etc get a cheaper rate). So if both players are members the courts cost nothing. Very good if you play more than twice a week as you make your money back. They also run a social night on a Friday at one centre (£3.15 per person or free with membership - 6.15pm onwards), Adult and Junior Coaching at the other, 2 hours for adults on Sat morning, 3 hours for juniors on Sun Afternoon @ same fee......


Hope this helps!!





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From ibbo - 28 Jan 2010 - 06:33

the prices at my local sport centre for peak £6.70p off peak is £5.90p for 40 mins

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Excellent tip that Rita.

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