Bandit 2, Metallix 140, Prince 03 Silve,or Elite
Published: 13 Jan 2010 - 03:23 by juan
Updated: 26 Jan 2010 - 10:53
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My first post ,so hello to everyone.
As most of the posts, Im looking for advice on a new racket.
I currently play with a chaep but good Prince Air O lighting, but I've tried better rackets and I can tell the difference right away. I do not generate my own power, not a racket nor a string breaker. Anyway I don't want to loose so much control especially when playing lengh from back court. I might be wrong but narrowed my choice to:
Bandit 2, metallix 140, Prince 03 Silver, Dunlop Aerogel Elite (the only one I've tried)
I really don't think I need a top of the line 2009-2010 racket beacuse with my current level, I would not be able to take all out of it. Your comments are apreciated on this or on othre racket you suggest.

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From juan - 26 Jan 2010 - 10:53
From Danz - 26 Jan 2010 - 08:41
I have tried numerous rackets and currently use the Prince O3 Silver. I can honestly say that it is the most powerful 'stock' racket I have used (i.e. I haven't changed the strings). The sweetspot is massive and it takes little effort to find the back of the court. However, when the court and ball are really hot it can take a little getting used to the pace,or, if I need a bit more control I always switch back to my Dunlop Aerogel Tour which, compared to the Prince, is extremely head light and not as powerful.
From rippa rit - 13 Jan 2010 - 20:16
I think going to the Gear Forum Archives would be worth five minutes of your time. There are heaps of reviews and info on rackets so go have a sticky-beak. Here is one example.
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thanks, finally ended purchasing a head micgrogel extreme. The rackets hits pretty strong and solid, getting used to a smaller head size (460cm2). Overall the racket is great, I'm very happy with it just hopping it holds for a while.
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