would anyone recommend
Published: 20 Dec 2009 - 00:43 by siking1427
Updated: 02 Jan 2010 - 18:53
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Hi this is my first post so firstly, Hi to all.
I have been playing squash for a couple years now and recently a couple strings snapped on my racket. I've decided to go for a new one and was looking at the Browning NanoTec CTi 130 (coinsidently this racket is advertised to the right of my screen as I type but I found it on Amazon) I was just wondering if anyone on here has any thoughts on this racket, Im looking to get a decent cheap racket, nothing to special. would prefer something light if possible. thanks for any comments, they're much appreciated.

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From siking1427 - 02 Jan 2010 - 18:53
From raystrach - 24 Dec 2009 - 19:16
there is not a lot in the forum about browning rackets, but there are a couple of good reviews for them in our shop. do a search on browning squash racket in the uk shop.
they certainly seem reasonable in price, so if anyone out there has more info, let us know
From rippa rit - 21 Dec 2009 - 21:04 - Updated: 21 Dec 2009 - 21:07
siking - welcome to the forum. There has been a lot written about rackets in the Gear Forum. I suggest you go to the archives listed under Members Forum (tab above). The Relevant Content tab has a few posts for you to read also.
Take a look in the Squashgame Shop for some specials, and there is free delivery to the UK until January. This Browning Racket is reasonably priced.
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Hi again, thanks for the replies guys, I decided to go for the browning racket and having played a few matches already i have to say im very impressed, it is very light and not lacking in power as string tension is good. I took your advice and checked out a couple of other reviews on the racket and this one seems to be getting good reviews all round.
Thanks again
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