Vibration dampner in half
Published: 15 Dec 2009 - 00:02 by Rliman
Updated: 15 Dec 2009 - 00:48
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Hi. Not sure about what you call it in english but here's a swedish->english translation...
Today the little black thingy that is supposed to dampen vibrations off my squashracket went into two pieces. After that i played like crap and it felt akward. Feeling the vibrations right into my arm.
Question now, where can i get a hold of a new one?
I have Dunlop racket.
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From juanfr22 - 15 Dec 2009 - 00:48
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You just have to buy a new one, the shop where I get my squash stuff has a box full of dunlop antivibrators, they are not expensive. and If I can get them here in Colombia I don´t see why you shouldn't be able to get them up there in Sweden.
hope this helps
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