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i would like an experience with a great coach

Published: 17 Nov 2009 - 18:43 by Paolo

Updated: 19 Nov 2009 - 14:36

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Hello everybody!


i write for ask you a great help..

sorry for my english, i try to do my best...

I would like an experience with a great coach, but is very difficult contact a right and serious people...

i play squash full time and i have want seriously encrease my sqush level...

i know some name and i have try to contact month ago' but it's very difficult becouse some people don't reply, some people reply to much later and some people aren't seriously...

i know some name like david person, amir waghi, mike way, peter genver etc... but it's very difficult try to be coaching for a period by them...  i'm minded to travel, and i do a lot of sacrifice for's 3 month that i try to search a graet coach but it's very hard...

i would like try a period about 3-4 week or more, but i don't know what can i do for this... if isn't possible, no problem for one or two week of coaching.. i prefer initially an individual session becouse i think is more focus on the people and eventually than play routine with other pros...but i don't know what can i do for this becouse it si 3-4 month that i "fight" for this...

someone can  help me please?

thanks evrybody


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From rippa rit - 17 Nov 2009 - 21:56

Here is a previous article where members were seeking a coach.

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