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Prince Air Drive 130 / Tecnifibre Carboflex 130

Published: 03 Nov 2009 - 22:06 by uggitt

Updated: 03 Nov 2009 - 22:06

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I am thinking of buying one of the above rackets.  I play locally at my club in leagues and have progressed to the top section of the leagues.  I am trying to get better control for my touch shots and power is not usually a problem as I am 6ft 1" and well built.  I usually over hit!!!

Any help on these rackets would be most appreciated or any other rackets. 

I have been using tulios pro racket but feel it does not have much control, but lots of power.  I used to have a wilson ncode 140 and quite liked it but it kept breaking strings.




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My search query found your posting pointing me to that....thanks so much!!  

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