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Let Rule Question

Published: 28 Oct 2009 - 00:59 by poldefaoite

Updated: 28 Oct 2009 - 00:59

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I have a question regarding the let rule in a particular scenario:

  1. Player 1 (P1) is on the T and plays a deep drive to the BH corner
  2. Player 2 (P2) plays an loose shot which P1 drops to the front FH corner
  3. P2 then has to scramble from the rear BH corner to the front FH corner in order to get to the ball
  4. In the process P2 runs straight into P1 who has not moved from the T (because there has been no need to and who has their back to P2)
  5. P2 then requests a let.

Surly it is P2's responsibility to get to the ball; I mean P1 can't even see where P2 is?! And if P1 moved off the T it would give a tatical advantage to P2 should they get to the ball

Any ideas?

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