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Ankle Braces - your advise please

Published: 30 Sep 2009 - 14:42 by Haych2507

Updated: 28 Oct 2009 - 01:57

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Hi,  I wear ankle braces and the ones I have been using have created a pressure point at the back of my ankle giving me tender and sometimes strained achillies. 

Not sure what brand they are but they are made from nylon, lace up at the font and close with figure 8 strapping.

If you wear braces I would love to hear your opinion on what brand you suggest and why?

Thank you.  Haych2507 

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From Adz - 28 Oct 2009 - 01:57

Check out the Aircast range of braces. Expensive, but very light and very strong. Worth a shout if you have continual problems. The A60 is the one originally used by Andy Murray and I find it very comfy, very light and very supportive. I got mine delivered from the US as the prices in the UK are pretty horrific (£45 and I got mine for £28 delivered!!).





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From dpiedra - 17 Oct 2009 - 12:38

Could the discomfort in the achilles be achilles tendonitis? I had that even though I use an ankle brace. I rested for about three weeks, and it went away. From time to time, if you play a lot you can develop tendonitis in various joints. That is what happens to me if I play too much over say a 3-4 week period without proper rest days in between.

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From rippa rit - 02 Oct 2009 - 08:04

There has not been a lot of discussion on ankle braces.  Just my own gut feeling would be to visit a Sports Podiatrist (especially one who is involved with basketball/netball); definitely you need to change the style/design of the support.  I see there is an inflatable type.  Any support too rigid will naturally cause a pressure point; flexibility as well as support seem ideal.

Let's know how you go.  A photo would be good too.

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