fashion fauxpas
Published: 03 Sep 2009 - 12:53 by keithderham
Updated: 10 Sep 2009 - 06:49
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I was packing my bag for the AMSA national titles in Melbourne when it occurred to me to check out their website to make sure I was up to speed with the programme of events.etc.As usual,I checked out the merchandise section to see whether I should add another shirt to my already too large collection.I was nothing short of appalled to see mens singlets for sale.In Queensland Masters we strongly encourage the wearing of squash-appropriate clothing,so I thought this something of a setback.The same goes for sleeveless shirts.Would you be allowed on a golf course dressed like that?It seems like a lowering of standards to me.Singlets are for digging ditches in.There is also a practical side.Sleeved squash shirts made of modern breathable fabric minimize the amount of sweat dripped onto the court.Polo shirts or at least a tshirt!!!Your thoughts please.

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From rippa rit - 10 Sep 2009 - 06:49
From tmarttees - 09 Sep 2009 - 13:47
It is palyed between just two, unlike cricket. Hence basic code of dressing would be OK. LIke a good T-shirt or Polo shirt - with long sleeves would be apt.
From keithderham - 04 Sep 2009 - 14:03
mike,I have looked up the squashsite blurb on El Hindi,,and I am old enough and wise enough to know the difference between a fashion choice and a cynical marketing ploy.Nadal by the way gave up on the sleevelss look some time ago.In Australia 90% of the singlets I come across on court are exactly as you describe,inluding the tear,but even the new ones look really wrong on a squash court,El Hindi included.
From mike - 04 Sep 2009 - 09:44
I don't think it's a big deal. There are singlets and there are singlets. Wearing the same Jackie How on court that has paint marks and is torn because you also use it for manual labour is quite different to wearing something from the Wael El Hinidi line (which according to he'll be exhibiting in the quarter finals tomorrow)
Nadal wears the same in the finals of major Grand Slam Tennis tournaments.
From keithderham - 04 Sep 2009 - 08:12
Rita,last word on squash clothing.Just like the internet,which I am using now was a modern invention,but a boon to old fashioned letter writers,so modern breathable non-iron clothing was a boon to young and old squash players.Just for the record,I have NEVER left dirty clothing in a squash bag in 40 years and I have NEVER worn a singlet in my life.In England they really are for digging ditches in.I like your point about biceps.I wish some of the male masters players with spindly arms would desist from wearing sleeveless tops.They are not doing themselves any favours(you know who you are)And as time continues to be unkind to us all,those players with bingo wings should think about sleeves too.
From keithderham - 04 Sep 2009 - 08:01
Thanks for your reply Juan.I think that we must agree to differ,but there again squash is at different stages of development in different countries.Squash in the Americas is where it was in Europe and Australasia 30 years ago.Here in Australia there are public courts(few)and most clubs are at least 40 years old and in danger of closing.If you want to take part in a competition,a tournament or fixtures then you have to play at a club,and that is where standards come in.One last word on elitism.Golf can no longer be considered an elitist sport worldwide,but it generates an amazing amount of money.Personally I find it like watching paint dry,but many young people are flocking to it,and when they do they have to wear the right apparel.suerte en las canchas(don't worry Rita,I'm not swearing)
From rippa rit - 04 Sep 2009 - 07:57
Golly, we are comparing 18 year olds to 60 year olds too. Hey, I once wore sleevless tops (not singlets) but there is a time in life when the biceps are not for public display. Putting a tank top (or singlet if you want to call it) for sale at a Masters tournament might be a good gift for the grandkids - hey Keith the tops might have been a gift from sponsors for the Tournament.
You know not everybody takes care of their squash gear, and some wives will not wash the smelly sweatty gear.....enough said!! Maybe it just gets down to personal pride. How many people have left their gear in the squash bag and forgot about it and it has gone mouldy and offff?
I give up trying to figure out how people think...true.
From juanfr22 - 04 Sep 2009 - 07:19
I play at my university's squash courts. they don't have any rules as to wich kind of clothes you must wear in order to be allowed in...its different when you play at a club because you are accepting their rules in order to be let in. as for those kids in Buenos Aires kicking about barefoot...of course they would love to have a decent uniform! being poor who would not? but they don't need it in order to play and develop their skills, its not even the price for all their work, its just part of what comes afterwards if you are talented.
Going back to the original question here, if you are playing at a club and the club has certain rules about clothes...theres not much you can do about it. if you are playing with your mates at a public court/university court etc. then I see no problem in wearing X or Y style of really it depends on the situation. I personally wear 'breathable V neck shirts or breathable t-shirts' - both designed for sports - for my squash games...thats what I feel most comfortable with, but if my oponent comes in with pink sleeve-less shirts and yellow shorts I have no problem either...its his clothes not mine.
Squash has that growth problem because of the eliteness that comes with it, thats what won't let it grow as much as football or in Colombia every single park on my city has a football field and a basketball field, but only certain parks have squash courts, wich is just fantastic because I know A LOT of people who love the game of squash but simply don't have the money to pay for a club membership or to pay their studies at a university. if squash is kept as a 'country club' sport ONLY, then of course it will never be global, but if it becomes more public then of course it will grow. thats how I hope for the future of me a dreamer.
From keithderham - 04 Sep 2009 - 06:44
When Hashim Khan started playing squash in Peshawar not only did he have to wear a polo shirt,it had to be white.Particularly as his father was the steward of the club.You don´t have to buy expensive designer clothing(I don't) to look presentable.Don't confuse elitism with tradition.Why is Wimbledon considered the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world?Because of tradition and standards.I don't want everyone to suddenly start wearing white again,although I was recently in a club in Buenos Aires which insisted in just that,just like the RAC club in London.I don't know where you play Juan,but I would bet my last dollar that those poor kids kicking a football round the streets in Boca quickly embrace wearing a smart blue and yellow uniform if they get picked to join the club.Squash never has been and never will be a sport for the masses like soccer because it is not profitable enough,but that does not mean we have to drop standards.No one is a bigger fan of Rafael Nadal than I am,but even he wears sleeves now,and at tennis you are seperated by a net,not sweating all over eah other in a little box.
From juanfr22 - 04 Sep 2009 - 02:11 - Updated: 04 Sep 2009 - 02:15
Well I just have to disagree. All those sports you mentioned are by far the most elitist sports ever, and if theres something about squash that I don't like its that 'elite' side there is to it. I don't think Hashim Khan started playing with fancy brand clothing and top of the line racquets...or did he? I believe that whole 'elite' aspect of squash should be removed in order to open up the sport, many people won't play it because they consider it for rich people only. If that elite factor is removed, MANY people all over the world will be interested in the game and will then make squash grow globaly.
I also love football (soccer, for americans reading this) and I also consider it a prestigious in South America some kids will even play bare foot and eventually become great athletes like kaka messi...don't confusse prestige with eliteness.
From keithderham - 03 Sep 2009 - 14:33
when you do not wear the apprpriate clothing for a sport you are commiting various misdemeanours.Firstly ,what you wear on a squash court is not just relevant to you,but also your opponent.If you dress shabbily you are disrespecting your opponent and the sport.Secondly,if you examine the entry conditions of many tournaments you will find the stipulation that a polo type shirt must be worn,and in some cases they insist that any logos or messages be squash related.Standards are standards.Would you be allowed to play cricket in a singlet?Or polo?Or golf?Squash is and should be just as prestigous as these sports.
From juanfr22 - 03 Sep 2009 - 13:13
I think you should wear what you find most comfortable, it can be sleeve-less shirts...dress how you want as long as it makes you comfortable. I can't help but think of Wael El Hindi, he always has the ''funny' clothes but he plays wonders...clothes are not relevant when your goal is to be a better player.
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yep, clean and tidy is good. The sweat is a problem on court, and if you are one of those who perspire a lot, and let's face it some do more than others, a headband, wristband, and socks do help keep the play safe, and not so offensive for the opponent. Not too sure about the long sleeves!
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