don't cry for me argentina
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Court construction Argentina Masters 09 |
More Pics...Courrts specifically constructed for the Masters Argentina More Pics...Demountable courts constructed back to back Argentina Masters More Pics... |
Published: 24 Aug 2009 - 18:34 by keithderham
Updated: 25 Aug 2009 - 07:55
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suitably encouraged by ray and rita,I have decided to tell my story of a visit to the world of south american masters squash,to a tournament which took place last week in Puerto Madryn Patagonia.Sometimes you have to travel to get a different look at squash,and this I surely did. To begin with the courts were purpose built for the tournament (six glass backs)on a basketball court inside a stadium,and were of a very good standard,being constructed of heavy duty plasterboard on a steel frame wit parquet floors and conventional glass backs.Having stood up to the five days of competition they were promptly dismantled.Conditions were excellent and I managed to burgle the over 60's title,whilst competing simultaneously in the b grade and doubles.The new tournament software worked like a dream avoiding clashes in the timetable.,and I left at the end tired but contented after 15 matches in 5 days.To top it all I was interviewed in Spanish by the local newspaper and tv station.Ho hum that was my 15 minutes as Andy Warhol would say.I now approach the Australian Masters with a spring in my step and a tune in my head from Evita.Good squashing everyone keith p.s I would love to include pictures of the courts but have no idea how.

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From rippa rit - 25 Aug 2009 - 07:55
From rippa rit - 24 Aug 2009 - 19:06
Keith, welldone. Now you can upload the pics yourself into the data base - see the tab on the top left column "My Menu Selections" then "Upload Images" When you have done that, go to the top of your post and see the tab "Add or Manage Pictures" and add the pics you uploaded into the data base.
Now, if that is too hard just email me the photos and I will add them for you.
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Thanks Keith for those pics. We have had questions about court construction on this forum and this is an interesting initiative. Of course no cost was mentioned. Keith does speak fluent Spanish so now is the time to ask questions.
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