HEAD Microgel Instinct 155
Published: 20 Aug 2009 - 20:46 by chrissquash
Updated: 26 Aug 2009 - 15:12
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Hi, has anyone played with the above racket? I purchased this racket on the understanding that it was similar to the Metallix 160. However after playing several games with the Microgel Instinct 155 it plays completely different. The Microgel Instinct is very oddly weighted, although it states it's 155 it feels far heavier as all of that weight seems to be in the head making it very head heavy. Whilst playing a shot in the back corners it's like trying to swing round a lead weight it's that heavy. Has anyone else played with this racket and does anyone have any thoughts? I'm considering selling it as I just don't like it at all.
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