Suprem 130?
Published: 18 Aug 2009 - 07:10 by Guru
Updated: 27 Aug 2009 - 14:59
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I have a Dunlop Ultra 140 and I want to invest in a new racquet. Anyone tried the suprem 130 before? I tried searching online for reviews but with no luck. Can it be easily controlled?
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From rippa rit - 27 Aug 2009 - 14:59
From Guru - 21 Aug 2009 - 22:11
well, yes rippa tir. i think u should remove the part where u have to select the brand from a drop-down menu and leave the poster to write it in the topic's title or description to avoid confusion.
anyway, thanks but has anyone tried it?
From rippa rit - 21 Aug 2009 - 08:17
Guru - the word Technifibre in the description made all the difference. I am having trouble understanding why our members are not able to access the products in our squashgame shop, see the tabs on the top right. Here is the Technifibre Suprem NG130 listed at 89.99 with a description as being used by Alastair Walker. You know my computer does not have a pounds sign on it!
From Guru - 20 Aug 2009 - 23:10
From sloejp - 19 Aug 2009 - 19:48
ok, i haven't used that model, so i can't offer any advice. sorry about that.
From rippa rit - 19 Aug 2009 - 08:57 - Updated: 20 Aug 2009 - 08:07
Is this the racket Dunlop Sports Ultra
This does not look to be green but it may come in other colours too. Don't forget it is not just the weight to look at but also the composition which also has a bearing on the durability, and feel.
From Guru - 19 Aug 2009 - 02:07
yes, the 2009/10 model, the one with green and white writings near the grip. sorry for not pointing out!
From sloejp - 18 Aug 2009 - 12:13
are you talking about the 2009/10 suprem 130? the racquet has changed quite a bit compared to earlier models.
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Guru, the feature you mentioned has been taken away; it was there for a purpose originally, but now not required. Thanks for your suggestion.
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