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HEAD Ti_Control nano Titanium

Published: 17 Aug 2009 - 20:09 by dannybzr

Updated: 18 Aug 2009 - 17:03

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 Hi all,

I have bought the above racquet today. I like the look and feel of the racquet, but I can't find info on it anywhere. ie weight balance etc..


Would anyone be able to help out here? I have checked the head website and googled various things but to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated as it will help me know what I like in a racquet as a novice player starting out. Also any comments on my choice would be good




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From dannybzr - 18 Aug 2009 - 16:48

 Anyone provide any more help on this?

FYI, the site is great and full of very useful info

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From dannybzr - 18 Aug 2009 - 10:06

 I'm not sure if that is it. It has Ti_control written on the side of the shaft, and HEAD on the other. The shaft has a more rectangular feel to it, as opposed to the cylindrical of most racquets.

It is a tear drop design, similar to the one you have listed. There is a full range of "Ti" HEAD racquets, I just can't get any info on this one..

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From rippa rit - 17 Aug 2009 - 21:22   -   Updated: 18 Aug 2009 - 17:03

This seems to be the racket you are referring to and I have put the link to our UK Shop, Head Ti Nano Squash Racket.  There is a 110 and a 120 which would indicate the weight of the racket.

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