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Searching for good durable racket

Published: 14 Aug 2009 - 19:09 by arunnagaraju

Updated: 23 Sep 2009 - 23:35

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I am from India and started playing squash an year back.  I haven't used any good brand rackets till now to compare with. I am in desperate need for a new racket.

The order of my requirements is as follows -

1. Slight head heavy to even.

2. Durable racket

3. Larger sweet spot and power

I  rounded my choice to the following:

Prince TTT sovereign - $89

Karakal Pro 3T - $87

Black Knight  CCT 7730 - $87

Black knight Bandit2 - $66

 I would like to know your suggestions and which of the above racket would suit me best. If there are any other rackets that matches my requirements, please let me know.

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From arunnagaraju - 23 Sep 2009 - 02:53   -   Updated: 23 Sep 2009 - 23:35

Thanks Crorks,

I did end up buying dunlop mfil pro in store since I was running out of time and did not have any other choice. I am in the process of getting used to the lighter racket.

Will let you know how that goes.

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From crorks - 22 Sep 2009 - 01:53

I would reccomend a Prince racket if you haven't bought one yet... because they have several that offer plenty of power and a great feel, but they aren't the most durable of rackets.

If you want a good steady performer that is also durable then you would probably be best suited to a dunlop... I use the aerogel ultimate and it was my first dunlop racket after using Prince and head for several years.  There is little to chose between the top brands, but I feel as though I play better more often than not with he dunlop than I did with the ohter rackets.

Hope this helps

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From juanfr22 - 16 Aug 2009 - 03:27

Sadly, it broke on my 5th match...just 5 days of use. it was a ''fusion'' racquet, but it was just made of aluminium, other Karakal models are better of course, Ive had the Black Knight for less than a month but I can already tell its just an absolutely superb racquet, I might buy it again the day I need to replace it.

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From arunnagaraju - 15 Aug 2009 - 21:32   -   Updated: 16 Aug 2009 - 10:42

Thanks Juanfr22.

How long did karakal last for you and how long have you been using black knight.  Durability is a question that only experience can tell.

Will wait for a day more to see if someone else has another suggestion or else, will go with black knight CCT 7730.

And this forum rocks. There are so much useful info about squash and am learning a lot.

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From juanfr22 - 15 Aug 2009 - 03:13

Hi there, I believe we have pretty much the same needs when looking for a new raxcquet. I broke my first racquet (karakal) and needed a new one. I bought the Black Knight CCT 7730 for $86 and Im loving it, it gives more control than power - although it generates power quite easily as well.
I would totaly recomend it.

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Hi Rita and Ray, I just want to express my word of thanks.Founding your website in December totally revalued my attitude towards the game.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.

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