Back Corner Pain Relief
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Fig 1. Typical back corner position |
More Pics...More Pics...Fig 3. Boast from the same position More Pics...Fig 4. A change of angle ruins the shot More Pics...Fig 5. The red feet and swing will take the ball to the front wall on the boast |
Published: 04 Apr 2005 - 01:41 by raystrach
Updated: 29 Nov 2008 - 16:15
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Returning the ball from deep in the back corners has been the bane of many Squash players. Watching the pros do it is NOT always a good idea. Their skill level is far above anything most people will ever achieve. The technique we espouse here at has been tried and tested through hours of coaching, at all levels, over many years - it works. To show in more detail HOW it works I have prepared some diagrams.
These diagrams assume that you use our basic grip and swing technique
Fig. 1 - The Basic Stance
- Note the positioning of the feet relative to the corner.
- The player is well balanced and a comfortable distance from the ball and not too close to the back wall.(about 500 - 600 mm or the length of a racket)
- Note how the backswing comes down and through before impact
- There is plenty of time for the racket head to gain speed
Fig. 2 - Top View - Drive
- This is the same position - note the backswing parallel to the back wall
- The drive is easily hit from this position of the ball comes off the back wall sufficiently
- Use a split step as you make the approach to the corner to achieve the open stance
Fig. 3 - Top View - The Boast
- From exactly the same position the boast can be hit
- Bend the knees to get down to the ball
- Keep a very open face racket
- Project the ball up onto the side wall to get the height on the front wall
- Reducing the radius of the swing helps get you further into the corners
Fig. 4 - Same Position, Different Angle
- This is exactly the same swing but with the feet at a different angle to the back wall
- The feet are about the same distance from the back wall
- The different angle causes the backswing to hit the back wall
- All of the "down" part of the backswing has been taken out of play.
- No racket head speed will result in the shot becoming a scoop
- The situation will be even worse if you back up to the back wall
I cannot emphasize the main points enough:
- Give yourself room to hit the ball (not too close)
- Angle towards the corner
- Get down to the ball with bent knees
- Keep a very open faced racket
- Swing under the ball
- Keep practising!!
Note. Fig 5 added later (in repsonse to slavic's reply):
- This shows clearly the difference between getting to the side of the ball and being in line with it.
- Always get to the side of the ball.
- For right handers, put the right foot nearer t the back wall in preference to the left to ensure better balance , more reach and better shoulder positioning
Take a look at this video of a Backhand Boast out of the Back corner.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 06 Apr 2005 - 00:04
From raystrach - 05 Apr 2005 - 22:30
I am not certain as to what you are talking about, but I suspect that you are being caught chasing after the ball going to the back wall. I suspect that the problem is not facing the back wall, but getting too close to the line of the ball.
Note how in fig 1 there is 500mm between the player and the ball. This should be a minimum. What can happen, especially if the ball gets past you, is to move across to the ball, and then when it can't be intercepted before it gets to the back wall, some players tend to "follow" it. They are often in line with the ball. From this point it is almost impossible to retrieve the ball.
If you keep to the side of the ball, your natural swing will tend to make the shot a boast, maing it easy to return. Facing the back wall is no problem. Check the new fig.5 and let me know if I am getting warm.
From drop-shot - 04 Apr 2005 - 18:48
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"If you keep to the side of the ball, your natural swing will tend to make the shot a boast, maing it easy to return. Facing the back wall is no problem. Check the new fig.5 and let me know if I am getting warm."
EXACTLY! This is what was my question. I just realised that not too many of players can do that properly and I was thinking whether the idea of facing the back wall is correct. Now I see clearly.
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