Info for Your Squashgame

I Know There's Info Out There

Published: 01 Apr 2005 - 09:38 by missing_record5

Updated: 01 Apr 2005 - 13:54

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Firstly, I'd like to congratulate the Squashgame team on the concept of the website. To the best of my knowledge, it's the only site dedicated to becoming an information resource for both players and coaches, rather than a news site.

I've read the archives and looked at the library, and there sure is a lot of information being offered to the member browsing the site. I understand that the site is still young, and that there is much development to do.

If I may be so bold as to request/ suggest something?

I believe coaches find it difficult to source squash specific articles (such as research) on coaching. I have looked about on google, but it can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It would be a fantastic idea if the members of the site were able to contribute to the "group knowledge", and contribute links or articles that they are aware of! It would certainly make the task easier if members did it collectively, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel individually.

Perhaps a separate section on the forum?

Keep it going, Aussies!

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From raystrach - 01 Apr 2005 - 13:54

dear tycho

going from last to first:
  1. as you can see i have changed the title to what you wanted.
  2. the forum does allow you to save first, then edit as necessary. i am not convinced allowing changes after "publication" is a good thing.
  3. your suggestion about links is a good one. we will seriously consider it. there are some changes afoot which will allow forum articles to link to pages within the site (in about 4-6 weeks).
  4. we have some other things happening in that same time frame which will also improve things for coaches which could also incorporate your suggestion (stay tuned!)
  5. thanks for your positive comments and suggestions - keep them coming!!

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From missing_record5 - 01 Apr 2005 - 09:43

Another thing that would be helpful is the ability to EDIT your previous posts!! The title should read;

I know there's information out there....

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Thanks to all for the input - very good points were brought up

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