Australian Open 2009, Clare, South Australia
Published: 16 Jul 2009 - 07:55 by rippa rit
Updated: 19 Jul 2009 - 17:33
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The qualifying rounds are complete at Clare Valley. Ong Beng Hee (MAL) and Kasey Brown (AU) are the top seeds.
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From rippa rit - 19 Jul 2009 - 17:33
From rippa rit - 18 Jul 2009 - 20:21
The Mens Event will be an all Aussie final with Cameron Pilley to play Stewart Boswell. Both semi final matches were close and tough.
From rippa rit - 16 Jul 2009 - 15:42 - Updated: 16 Jul 2009 - 15:45
mike - the purse is over $60k so that is an incentive for the players from Malaysia and NZ to participate.
The extra competition also gives our AIS players more experience since most of our talented players reside overseas which does not help our locals get amongst the fierce rivalry. Oh, well ...
From mike - 16 Jul 2009 - 13:29
Looks like a great event, I wish it was a lot closer to me. Still, the draw is better than normal for this half of the world.
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Stewart Boswell (AU) and Joelle King (NZ) are the winners of the Australian Open.
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