Which Racquet to choose? Some one help.
Published: 11 Jun 2009 - 07:13 by brad
Updated: 12 Jul 2009 - 12:58
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I need to choose a squash racquet. I'm not an absolute beginner, I've been playing for about 5 weeks now and know all the rules and what the game is about. I'm 15, male,and weigh about 50 kilo's. I've been searching the internet but need real advice on what racquet I should get. I'm willing to pay anything up to about $60-$70 as it is only my first racquet. Please Help.

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From juanfr22 - 10 Jul 2009 - 22:15 - Updated: 12 Jul 2009 - 12:58
From rippa rit - 10 Jul 2009 - 20:46
juan - re the Black Knight question. I have just got this info from the Squashgame Squash Shop see on the top right browser above.
Black Knight 7730 CCT - I see the link is temporarily not available, but it will be, so keep checking.
Hope this helps.
From juanfr22 - 10 Jul 2009 - 12:56
Hi there, I see you have been playing for a little more than 5 weeks...thats still a beginer I think, and as one, I don't see any need for speding 100 dollars on a racquet. I think you should take a look at some internet websites -wich are usually cheaper- and then go to some shops around your town.
I personally think Dunlop, Black Knight, Prince and Karakal could be some good options, they offer some nice racquets at reasonable prices...just don't buy anything made of aluminium! it will brake in a few days time if you play quite often (5 or 6 days a week) how ever the decision is yours, just go around, research, try different racquets and see what feels/plays best for you.
Also, to any one out there reading this, could you give me any information about these two racquets? I just can't find any reviews of them so I thought I could ask here...
- Black Knight 7730 CCT
- Black Knight 8110 superlite
From normanmong - 18 Jun 2009 - 21:22 - Updated: 18 Jun 2009 - 21:22
If u can still find Wilson ncode ntour in the market, I suggest to buy this one. This racket seems to be better than the newer model kFactor.
From rippa rit - 14 Jun 2009 - 07:34
Brad - Did you not see my post which was previous to Ferris69's post?
From brad - 13 Jun 2009 - 10:15
Thanks you have helped heaps, one problem is I can't buy racquets of e-bay because I'm only 15 and my mum won't let me as she doesn't trust buying off e-bay as she thinks there would be something wrong with the racquet, if i had the choice I would get one of e-bay as i know how many other people have and they were good racquets. I think i might just have to go and have a look at some sports shops. What racquets do you suggest i should look at?
From ferris69 - 12 Jun 2009 - 20:07
Yes i think ebay would be your best bet. I would recommend going for one of last years models and that way you will get a lot of racket for less money.
Look at Dunlop Aerogel Pro or Aerogel Tour perhaps. Steer clear of Head as they are too brittle. Or look at a Wilson from last year or maybe a tecnifibre Carboflex which you should be able to get for a decent price as they have just brought out a new version of it.
From rippa rit - 12 Jun 2009 - 18:06 - Updated: 12 Jun 2009 - 18:09
Brad you are really making me think now. Usually the squash centres stock popular brands preferred by the clubbies; then the price might be a bit more, especially if you pick a frame and nominate the strings. For your first racket the price might be a bit overkill. Check it out, try a demo racket.
Thinking of your age and experience and I was going shopping for you, I would probably have this criteria in my head; recognised brand, eg Dunlop, Prince, Head, Wilson; price reduced because of a Father's Day special or some such, or stocktake sale since the end of the financial year is coming soon, oops - reduced about 40% off retail maybe, teardrop shape, composite construction, about 140 grams in weight, and felt good. It is a pity squashgame do not have an outlet in Oz except to refer you to keep checking our e-bay for good buys; having said that you need to make sure it is a reasonably current model and has not been stuck in the cupboard for three years!!
Finally, take a read under "Relevant Content" tab (see on top left) as beginners often ask similar questions about their first racket.
From brad - 12 Jun 2009 - 17:14
Thanks for your help, I am willing to pay more than $60-$70, yeah i'm Aussie, it's just that I dont want to pay to much for my first racquet, as I would probably wreck it. I probably won't spend more than $120, but i don't want anything under about $50 as i have heard that they aren't very good. What type of racquet do you recommend I should get?
From rippa rit - 11 Jun 2009 - 07:41
Brad, you are from Aussie? You probably need to spend a little more; I got a Wilson K Factor for $100, on special, for a young friend and I think the quality is fine and she has not broken it in twelve months, so it must be a bit durable. This would be a better alternative to an aluminium frame which is usually the cheaper option.
My other suggestion is to look on e-bay where I also got a good secondhand Prince racket, with new restring, and new grip, for $68.
Good luck with your hunt for a bargain.
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Thanks rippa, but I was refering to some other member's personal experience with these two racquets hehe, didn't explain myself so well.
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