Info for Your Squashgame

Getting Started with ECoach

Published: 19 May 2009 - 08:35 by raystrach

Updated: 19 May 2009 - 08:45

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If you have a mobile phone, a squash court and some motivation you can subscribe to Squashgame ECoach. Here are the practical steps we suggest you take to start achieving your potential. The following are ideas on how to get the best out of your ECoach lesson:

  1. Organise to go to the squash court with a friend or fellow player along with your mobile phone or video camera 
  2. Take a short clip (maximum 5 mins) of the main concern with your squash game.  Examples of the video content:
    • the grip, swing, forehand drive, backhand drive (this will give some idea of the technique); OR
    • video 2 minutes of play on the forehand, then 2 minutes of play on the backhand (this will show technique and movement) OR
    • play a routine with your partner, 2 minutes on each side; which incorporates the stroke/s you want appraised.
  3. Download the video file onto your PC
  4. Log into, go to the ECoach page via the Gold tab or the front page and follow the instructions.

Read more on how ECoach works, here.  Also, don't be afraid to ask any questions you might have about the ECoach service, below.

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Thanks to all for the input - very good points were brought up

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