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Dunlop Aerogel Ultimate 4D

Published: 01 Apr 2009 - 08:47 by hacker

Updated: 01 Apr 2009 - 08:47

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I have a Brand new model Dunlop Aerogel Ultimate 4D for sale...

I have used it once but it is too light for me. I had it strung it with powernick 18 before i tried it, and put an overgrip on, but apart from that it's pretty perfect condition as you'd expect.

It's a stiff racket with a large headsize, feels even balanced, although rated head light. the overall weight is still very light though as I mentioned. 

probably a great racket for a better player than me ! I personally like to feel a bit of momentum in the swing....

if anyone's interested let me know....I paid £110 for it, plus the cost of a re-string, but am open to offers.

you can email me at


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