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Take a pick from Squashgame's UK Shop

Published: 31 Mar 2009 - 11:36 by rippa rit

Updated: 22 Jan 2010 - 07:56

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These few items are all out of the Squash Shop (see top righthand corner). I have colated a list of various products most of which are on SPECIAL for your convenience and hope that makes shopping easier. Thanks for your support.



Black Knight Quicksilver nXS Squash Racket

Black Knight Bandit 2 Squash Racket

Browning Platinum Nano 140 Squash Racket

Browning ESP 110 Ti Carbon Titanium Squash Racket

Browning Big Gun 150ti Squash Racket

Head Nano Ti 120 Squash Racket

Head Nano Ti 110 Titanium S. R.

Head FXP 110 Flexpoint Squash Racket

Head Metallix 130 Squash Racket

Dunlop Aerogel Pro GT Squash Racket

Dunlop Aerogel Ultimate Squash Racket

Dunlop Black Max Carbon Squash Racket

Dunlop Hot Melt C-Max Carbon Squash Racket

Dunlop Hot Melt C-Max Graphite Squash Racket

Dunlop M-Fil Pro Squash Racket

Dunlop Max Ti Titanium SR

Dunlop Junior Ti Titanium Squash Racket - good kids starter racket

Karakal Pro 3SL Squash Racket

Prince 03 Speedport Black Squash Racket

Prince Ozone Tour Squash Racket

Tecnifibre Carboflex 140 Squash Racket

Tecnifibre Suprem NG 130 S. R.

Wilson nFlame SR

Wilson n-Code N120 Nanocarbon SR

Wilson Hyper Hammer 120 SR


Squash Accessories


Head Radical Racket Kit Bag/Hold All


Dunlop Pro Double Yellow Dot Squash Balls - for Competitive and International players.

Dunlop Max Single Dot Squash Balls - for improving players.

Karakal oversize balls - for beginners


Dunlop I-Armour Protective Eyewear

Pacer Eye Guard


Karakal PU Super Grips


Browning Ti Racket Ball Racket

Dunlop Racketball Balls (3 Pack)

Dunlop Evo 210 Racketball Racket


Indoor Court Shoes

Hi-Tec Sports Mens Squash Shoes


Browning Synthetic Gut Squash String

Tecnifibre X-One Biphase Squash Strings


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From rippa rit - 17 Nov 2009 - 12:34   -   Updated: 17 Nov 2009 - 12:34

Just looking through our Aussie Shop.  There are quite a few rackets for sale; you are welcome to ask questions about any of these if you are not too sure of their reliability or suitability.

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From rippa rit - 09 Nov 2009 - 08:12

Remember "FREE Super Saver Delivery to UK till 1st Jan 2010".

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