Too Much Buzz???.
Published: 30 Mar 2009 - 05:53 by Guru
Updated: 30 Mar 2009 - 19:38
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I bought a new racquet recently, a Dunlop Ultra 140, and its great, yet a problem emerged after playing with it consistently for about a month. It is now beginning to buzz constantly each time the ball hits the racquet, although it has that anti-vibe ball (or whatever you may call it). Could this be due to a decrease in string tension? Coz I think that the string's tension was about 26 lbs. when I bought it and I heard that it could significantly a small time after usage. Any help?

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From rippa rit - 30 Mar 2009 - 19:38
From mike - 30 Mar 2009 - 12:10
I've never experienced it. Try having the racquet restrung with good quality strings such as Technifibre 305, X-One or Ashaway strings and see if that fixes the problem. If vibration continues or comes back it's probably the frame.
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Have you checked out the grommets, as a split/broken or lose grommet can make a vibrating noise. A broken/split grommet could endanger the strings too, especially if the grommets were not replaced when the racket was restrung.
Just an idea.
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