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Hitting yourself!

Published: 17 Mar 2009 - 05:04 by aprice1985

Updated: 18 Mar 2009 - 07:53

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I have occasionally caught myself on the leg with my racquet butt, around the shin region where i have some varicose veins, i have had really nasty bruisng and swelling with a haematoma forming, leading to pain on walking for up to a week.  I was wondering if anyone else every has this if they catch themselves or if it is down to my veins cause if so i may actually have to let a surgeon loose on them!


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From rippa rit - 18 Mar 2009 - 07:23

aprice - what happened to you on court seems a bit of a freak accident.  This may not happen again in 20 years.  No acrobats please in future.  The racket is really a weapon so I guess you need to respect that too.

I hope the bruising soon goes down and the leg recovers.

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From aprice1985 - 17 Mar 2009 - 19:42

Running backwards on the backhand side and swung to try to flick to ball behind my back to the front wall, caught the racquet head on the wall and ran into the butt!  My main thought is just how bad are other people's injuries so i can make a guess whether or not i should have my operation sooner or later, two days later i still struggle to walk without pain and the swelling was enough for A E to xray it!

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From rippa rit - 17 Mar 2009 - 08:18   -   Updated: 17 Mar 2009 - 08:29

aprice - the butt of the racket hitting your shin? So it happened on your downswing?  If this is a regular thing, you must be too close to the ball leaving no room for the swinging?  So you are lunging (good), but then leaving no room to swing? (far too close). Is this mostly when going into the corners?

Yeah, I think every squash player at some time would have hit themselves on the leg - mostly because of  a misjudgement of movement.  That is a good reason to try to keep at least two/three racket lengths from the ball leaving room for the lunge and swing.  The other problem could be overbalancing forwards as you swing.  Try to take the follow through away from your body when swinging, and always have some air between the body and the swinging arm (stop the crowding).

Yeah, those knees and shins do not have much padding.  I badly hit just below the little finger of my hand in a final one night, trying to retrieve a really low dead back corner boast, so I was just about sitting down to get under the ball and hit across my body trying to stop cracking the racket onto the walls - would have been better to crack the racket than crack the bone.  Talk about painful, and the team mates are calling out "come on you're ok" and the whole arm was throbbing, could bearly throw the ball up to serve.  You got it, I lost the match!  I was playing badly, could not settle down, my timing was off, and any other excuse would have been the reason!

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From Demo - 17 Mar 2009 - 05:47

Haha! I thought I was alone on this one.

i have, in the past week, caught both my left foot and my right foot on my backhand. Seems I stepped too close to the wall and was forced a tight swing, which caught my left foot as I took an open stance.


I don't recall how I hit my right foot. Must have been one awkward movement. Never hit myself before until now.

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