Max Ti Red Squash Racquet
Published: 11 Mar 2009 - 17:56 by mr_dlm
Updated: 13 Mar 2009 - 10:08
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Hi all,
I'm an absolute beginner and I was wondering if someone, that knows their stuff, could please check out the "Dunlop Max Ti Red Squash Racquet" for me and see if this ok to start out with?
Your input is much appreciated.

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From rippa rit - 13 Mar 2009 - 10:08
From raystrach - 13 Mar 2009 - 09:25 - Updated: 13 Mar 2009 - 09:27
hi mr dlm
there are so many variants in rackets (especially dunlop) that it is hard to know what racket you mean. you might need to get the actual name.
i say this because from my short investigation, the racket you mentioned is probably an aluminium racket. if you are thinking of playing squash regularly, do not buy an aluminum racket. the problem is they do not necessarily mention aluminium in the type - they may mention alloy or alloy composite or may throw in the word titanium which is often used to reinforce graphite style rackets (that is good). this may lead you to believe you are buying a graphite racket.
you are better off buying a graphite style racket (there are not all strictly graphite but other materials as well) which is on sale (old stock etc). if you are buying from a real store, the store staff should be able to tell you what it is made of, but if you are buying on the web, tread carefully.
there are products in our store which are not obviously branded as aluminium. you can usually tell by looking at the racket shaft which is in two pieces. however they do tricky things like using an aluminium head with a graphite shaft to make it look less like aluminium.
check out the relevant content menu item top left where you will find heaps of more specific advice on what you should consider
best of luck
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mr - I am not sure where you are situated, eg UK US, however, those Squash Shop rackets which are on the Home Page today, are all reduced and one in particular has good feedback from a novice player.
The Relevant Content tab has heaps of previous discussion also as Ray mentioned.
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