Squash racket for beginners
Published: 06 Mar 2009 - 23:29 by deep1947
Updated: 08 Mar 2009 - 08:49
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Hi Folks,
I recently played squash and liked the game so much that I went ahead and bought Dunlop tempo comp racket. Do you think I bought right racket or should I go for another one. I havn't used the racket yet so I can exchange it. waiting to hear your expert opinion.

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From rippa rit - 07 Mar 2009 - 07:32 - Updated: 08 Mar 2009 - 08:49
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Welcome to the forum.
I had a look at this model in the Squash Shop. Since you are just starting out don't be too worried about the racket as it is inexpensive, solid, and hopefully durable, as beginners can be hard on their rackets too when hitting close to the wall or floor.
There has been many posts about beginner rackets in the Gear Forum. The Relevant Content tab, top lefthand column (when logged in) will be the best way to access those posts.
Good luck.
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