Info for Your Squashgame

Published: 24 Feb 2009 - 03:01 by normanmong

Updated: 06 Jul 2009 - 14:20

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I bought a Wilson ncode ntour squash racket in this website two weeks before.  The racket was delivered to me today.  However, the racket sent to me was a Dunlop Aluminium racket.  The racket design was many years ago.

The contact person of the website is Mr. Tom SMITH. 


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From normanmong - 06 Jul 2009 - 12:31

Hi All,

I have tried to contact Mr. Tom Smith via his personal email and his official website  However, there was no response.  Subsequently, I found their website via online and was already shut down.

I have also contacted the Royal Mail and revealed that Mr. Tom Smith had already submit claim form to them.  Besides, the result was already sent to him.  Because of privacy, Royal Mail did not provide me the investigation result.

Although the racket is not expensive, it is really a bad experience in buying racket via online this time.



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From londonsquash - 27 Mar 2009 - 23:18

HI Guys,

Let me explain, I sent Norman his Wilson Ncode to Hong Kong brand new straight from the factory as I do all the time, Norman then contacted me a week later to tell me the package had been tampered with an a chep old dunlop racket was in the package!

It seems during postage to hong kong the package has been tampered with!

As i sent it using royal mail international signed for £16 I am now claiming compensation for me and norman. This as anyone know takes time, getting normans side of the story and supporting evidence, etc.. as it is now ive only just heard confirmation from royal mail that they are looking into the case!

Norman- I have always responded quickly to your messages, putting these publicly on a web forum is unfair and bad for me personally especially because of referneces to my academic career.

I am doing all I can! I would not be in business for 5 years selling rackets if I had bad customer services would I? in 5 years i have had less than 4 issues like this with over 500 rackets sold!

As for the website, Ben ford is taking over the site and so much of the updates are yet to be done.

Thanks Tom

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From normanmong - 25 Feb 2009 - 16:55

I already raised assistance from Google Checkout System.  They are now looking into the case.  I hope that I can get back my racket.


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From normanmong - 25 Feb 2009 - 16:51   -   Updated: 25 Feb 2009 - 16:51

Attached is the response from Tom.  If he doesn't tell lie, how the racket be changed?



Your NTour was sent directly brand new from the factory using royal
mail signed for, i have checked the online tracking and it syas it has
been delivered.

I dont understand what the problem could be.


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From rippa rit - 25 Feb 2009 - 10:05

If these enquries go to a "dead" end, and I notice the England Squash logo/emblem on the website, I believe England Squash need to be advised, and informed of your dealings with this on-line company. England Squash's intervention would mean more than your complaint I am sure.

Good luck with it.

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From Adz - 25 Feb 2009 - 04:39

Well the wesite doesn't appear to have been updated in a while.... If you check the London Leagues page it suggests a monthly league starting 16/6...... So it's at least 7 months out of date!


Couldn't find any link to them on England Squash either!


Also just to add...... England Squash only have 5 coaches names "Smith", Andrew, 2xPaul, Sid and Kathy.


You might have been had there mate, but I'd check firstly your receipt (make sure it states CLEARLY what racquet you purchased and doesn't have some "loophole" description or opt out clause), secondly check for return addresses. If it's a business collect through Royal Mail then they should have a collection point.


Ooooo while writing this I've done my internet dective bit for you....... Tom Smith (same mobile number) is also available through the Royal Holloway University of London. He's a research student in Politics and International Relations. So you could always try his direct uni e-mail address (search google for the mobile number, then go to the "tutorhunt" website that has all the details there!).


I think I should have been a private detective not a computer analyst!!!


Anyhow...... good luck and let us know how you get on!!







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From rippa rit - 24 Feb 2009 - 15:25

I see from the website there are three options for contact, ie email, phone, or text.  If I were you I would persue all of these options in case the internet is down, the guy is out of the office, the Storeman made a mistake, etc. to give them the chance of making good your order, and making an apology for the inconvenience.



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From normanmong - 24 Feb 2009 - 11:45

I have already contacted via email but without any reply.  I think it is no excuse that a new Wilson ntour racket can be changed to a used and old design Dunlop racket.

I just wanna remind everyone not to try their products and services from them.  I don't expect they would refund for me.

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From reynard - 24 Feb 2009 - 09:13

Don't you think you should try contacting the guy and give him a chance to sort things out before spitting the dummy out? It could be that it was a simple mistake?

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