Swing technique
Published: 18 Feb 2009 - 01:02 by budblogger
Updated: 25 Feb 2009 - 10:47
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Sorry, don't want to give the impression that I've posted onto a golf forum by mistake, but I'm wondering if anyone has any good ideas on how to develop a smoother swing action? My coach and a few other guys at the club have pointed out that although my swing starts out in a good "ready" position, I often have a tendency to let it drop to almost a horizontal position when approaching the ball, before following through to hit the ball.
The result is a bit of a "jerky" swing rather than a smooth circular one and try as I might, I can't seem to break the habit. It's obviously affecting the amount of power I'm generating in my shots although I generally keep the ball quite tight. The downside of this is that it gives opponents a little bit more time to recover so I find it difficult to put them under pressure.
So, curious to know if anyone else has experienced and this and (more importantly!!) what they did to sort it.

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From rippa rit - 25 Feb 2009 - 10:46 - Updated: 25 Feb 2009 - 10:47
From hamburglar - 25 Feb 2009 - 02:23
Repetition is key if you want to be able to translate that motion to a game. My first lesson ever, i wanted to work on kill shots, but the coach spent nearly 30 minutes just working on swing mechanics. I then spent the next year on stroke mechanics before I felt really comfortable with it. Lot's of solo hitting, and hitting for length and width whenever possible.
You may get worse before you get better, but's that's all part of learning!
From MarkG - 25 Feb 2009 - 00:54 - Updated: 25 Feb 2009 - 00:58
Hello Bud
I have had similar problems. Rippa Rit is definitely the one to listen to regarding squash advice – all the points mentioned have helped me. Initially, my coach told me to allow more room, but this proved difficult given the compact and somewhat jerky nature of my swing . A few other things needed to go with it. So I started working on proper forearm rotation (on drives) concentrating on opening the racquet face on the backswing, holding this in the downswing with the butt of the club leading, and then rotating my forearm into impact. [I’m not an expert, but I’m guessing your coach is talking about a loop….I am of the understanding, though, that it is desirable to have the racquet horizontal to the ground when approaching the ball]. My swing has since become more fluid and at the same time more powerful. Additionally, these changes almost forced me to bend more and get down to the ball, and to allow more room to swing. I’m still working on the Backhand side, but my Forehand is much more fluid than before, more powerful, and more accurate.
From rippa rit - 24 Feb 2009 - 07:53 - Updated: 24 Feb 2009 - 07:59
bud - sorry I missed this post, my phone line has been down several days.
Under the Relevant Content tab (see in the lefthand column there is a bit of reading). I guess you have already read or been told some of this info as you have strived to correct your technique?
Speaking from my coaching experience, these are the techniques I have used to assist players who cannot seem to keep their elbow bent:
- Practice the swing to resemble a side-arm throw, eg cricket throw back to base, baseball throw, action.
- Bend your knees and get down to the level of the ball, or the level of the target to get a straight through swing (without a looping action when driving).
- Practice just one hit at a time from a stationary position, eg throw the ball high and soft onto the side wall to set up a drive, and just practice that over and over.
- Keep away from the ball to allow for the horizontal swing, eg two metres, before preparing your footwork for the swing. With a lunge and a racket length depending on your height you can better get an idea of the exact distance from the ball.
- Asyou commence your downswing lead with your elbow and the butt of the racket.
Give this a try. I did not say it would be an easy habit to break, and let me know how it goes.
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