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Matthews in good nick for ISS Canary Wharf 09

Published: 04 Feb 2009 - 08:55 by rippa rit

Updated: 04 Feb 2009 - 08:55

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Nick Matthews has been out with a shoulder injury during 2008 and has now really hit form.  There is no doubt he had kept training aerobically to bounce back so well and make the finals of the Tournament of Champions.that had a top field. Now the Canary Classic will further test his fitness.

There are a couple of good action pictures at the link too, showing Matthews against Ramy.  There are some good key points in that shot at the front of the court - note the long lunge, open racket, and take note of the movement in the opponent's feet while trying to anticipate the return and be ready to intercept or chase. 

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