Coaching Videos/DVDs
Published: 17 Mar 2005 - 02:10 by swardle
Updated: 25 Jul 2007 - 05:56
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From drop-shot - 25 Jul 2007 - 05:32 - Updated: 25 Jul 2007 - 05:56
From drop-shot - 25 Jul 2007 - 04:24
If you are looking for solo practice hints - there you go. If you desire to play in three people and have some real training - there you have it. I do recommend it and i do love it.
From SamBWFC - 23 Jul 2007 - 08:41
I wouldn't really recommend the Jonathan Power Exposed DVD to beginners, because it talks more about tactics and drills more than say basic grips and swings and feet position for example. It assumes you already have the basics in place, so it is really for a more 'intermediate' player i.e. myself
From davide - 23 Jul 2007 - 08:24
From fmhmoreira - 02 Sep 2006 - 05:44
Hi everyone! If you are interested, I am selling the following squash DVD copies:
Jonathon Power Exposed – Squash instructional DVDs (2 DVDs set)
Chris Walker - Squash Instructional DVD
Complete Guide To Successful Squash DVD Khan & Khan (with Jahangir Khan, Jansher Khan, Ross Norman and Chris Dittmar)
Contact me by email.
From missing_record10 - 04 Jun 2006 - 23:24
From Viper - 30 May 2006 - 17:23 - Updated: 30 May 2006 - 19:06
Powers video is fantastic and you can get it easily here, I suggest you play the sample videos even they are great stuff, especially deception:
From fmhmoreira - 30 May 2006 - 11:08
Hi Slavi.
Would you sell me a copy of your Jonathon Power Exposed - Instructional DvD ?
Fernando - from Brazil
From rippa rit - 19 May 2005 - 15:05
From abhishekvats - 19 May 2005 - 13:55
From singie - 18 May 2005 - 23:57
From abhishekvats - 18 May 2005 - 11:04
From drop-shot - 05 May 2005 - 23:16
I do not think that there is any shop in Europe selling these CDs or DVDs. At least not in Hungary, Poland, Russia, according to my knowledge. So, the only way is to go to the netshops. It's the only way for now.
From singie - 05 May 2005 - 22:38
From drop-shot - 21 Mar 2005 - 20:13
From aprice1985 - 19 Mar 2005 - 09:45
From drop-shot - 17 Mar 2005 - 03:26
At least I can share what I have
Jonathon Power Exposed - Instructional DvD ( a bit of lessons and drills and a bit of tactics as well)
Squash in the Veins - Handbook on CD -- splendid, a lot of pictures, films etc.
Shotsquash CD - around 400 drills on video :-)))
Still there are more and more available at some e-shops.
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