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Squash Bag

Published: 22 Jan 2009 - 01:19 by Stonehands

Updated: 15 Feb 2009 - 09:17

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I'm looking for a good recommendation on a "squash" bag.  We just ordered one from a website that is supposed to be exclusively squash equipment and it turned out to be designed for tennis racquets.  Anyway, here is what I'm looking for...

1. Designed for squash racquets!

2. Holds 3-4 racquets (not 10-12) and has another compartment for a shaving kit, shoes, clothes, etc.  Also has pockets for squash tape, balls, goggles, etc. 

3. Has a shoulder strap, but also has back-pack shoulder straps. 

I currently have a Wilson Triad SQUASH bag and I like it except it does not have shoulder straps.  Because of the width of the bag, I find I catch everything I walk by, including people!  Plus the one should strap tends to twist off your shoulder if walking a long way - which tends to happen if you can't find a good parking spot at the squash club.

I would prefer if it was a prince bag, as that is the brand that I use, but it doesn't have to be. 

Thanks for any help in advance.

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From zion - 15 Feb 2009 - 09:14   -   Updated: 15 Feb 2009 - 09:16


if you get a chance have a look at the tecnifibre bags at I had the same problem as you had when I purchased my first bag. I bought the 6 racket bag from them which has two shoulder straps (better than the ones seen on the 'head' bags) and central handle.

I purchased the neon bag that sell but tecnifibre standard colours are red and black similar to wilson.

I may be biased, as I own tecnifibre rackets but take a look you won't be disapointed and the bag is suited for squash not tennis.


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From dpiedra - 07 Feb 2009 - 02:35

HEAD makes several shoulder bags with double straps and plenty of room for 3-5 raquets, plus all your gear. I've got one b ut I may get a tennis bag next time as they have even more room.

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From Good Length - 28 Jan 2009 - 06:47   -   Updated: 28 Jan 2009 - 07:23

 Hi you might want to check out the Karakal bags. I have an older RB 35. It's a nice looking bag and you can fit 4 rackets (in cases) in each side more if loose. So it's perfect for a few in one side and then shoes, kit etc in the other. Plus the new ones have the shoulder straps you are after and an extra side pocket for wash kit or bits and bobs. It's still a very compact bag.

However I've just changed to a Prince tennis (6 racket) bag because I found that space was getting a bit tight. The new bag isn't much bulkier but has a very useful bit of extra space inside and more internal pockets which are great. I was careful to choose one that wasn't the rounded tennis raket shape thought :) But the RB35 has served me fine over the years (especially for the £2.99 I paid for it on e-bay ;))

So if you are set on squash racket specific size the RB35 or maybe RB55 if you want more space would certainly fit your bill.

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