Published: 21 Jan 2009 - 09:19 by martin
Updated: 25 Jan 2009 - 10:36
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hi every one just started playing one basic question is must i hit the front wall first in my return or can i play the side wall first.sorry to be a bit nieve

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From rippa rit - 25 Jan 2009 - 10:36
From drop-shot - 24 Jan 2009 - 01:26 - Updated: 24 Jan 2009 - 01:27
Hi all... Small hint for Rita and Ray - maybe you should be more explicit to newcomers and prepare some "Idiot's guide to" to avoid repetitive questions like this one... Help people to get friends with your site. It is absolutely one of the best in the world bar none.
From martin - 22 Jan 2009 - 09:14
Thank you for replying to my question have now found all the beginers info on this excellent site.Look forward to getting on the court to progress thanks again Martin
From rippa rit - 21 Jan 2009 - 15:44
martin -a good choice of sport, enjoy your games. For more help go to the Squash Library and there are tabs. How to play and basic strokes will be helpful at the beginning of your squash career.
Also the Relevant Content tab in the column on the lefthand side will come up with many forum posts that will be helpful.
Good luck
From Eddy01741 - 21 Jan 2009 - 10:41
You have to hit the front wall first on the serve only, otherwise you can hit the side walls as many times as you want as long as it eventually reaches the front wall (without hitting the floor).
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drop shot - thanks for your input - it has been a while since hearing from you. We do have several ideas in mind particularly for the new visitors to squashgame.An email to Ray would be appreciated giving your thoughts on how to assist new visitors, and novice and beginners in particular. While we think things are better this way or that does not mean it is the best for a new member or new player. Just thinking about what I said; a player just wants to play squash and gets hit with all the content on this site must make them feel like they are doing a Masters Degree!!
Yeah, that is true, there is a lot of duplication as members come and go and not necessarily scan through the archives or take time to browse around. I guess two things come to mind with forum articles, ie : 1) ask the forum rather than squirt around looking for the info and (2) enjoy the discussion and one on one involvement, on a personal level and maybe (3) feel their question is not answered by other posts, and then (4) our "squash speak" is not quite understood.
I also noticed when going through the Gear Forum posts for key equipment words, a few posts were not answered at all and that is not a good thing for a new person coming to the forum for the first time. Then, from the other point of view, often that topic has been thrashed to death and the repetitive cycle can begin all over, which is why the Relevant Content tab is supposed to intercept that further repetition. Mind you, it also short-circuits the dialogue with that member. All those pros and cons.
On the other hand it is hard to please everyone. Our forum often has heaps of advice and sometimes you are left wondering if the person wanting the help actually is helped, and what the long term benefits have been to making their decisions, plans, etc.
Thanks again as your interest is really appreciated.
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