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Aerogel range 08/09

Published: 18 Jan 2009 - 20:43 by MarkG

Updated: 07 Aug 2009 - 01:06

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Hello All

Having just read several excellent posts related to Dunlop racquets, many questions I had have been answered thanks to really informative posts from Adz, Bosartek, Sparty, and others.  Anyway, this my first post.

I am thinking of buying a racquet from the Aerogel range, and as a live abroad I don't have the opportunity to test them all.  I'm currently using an old Dunlop Muscleweave Pro.  I read that this an old favourite with some of you, although having just started lessons, my coach has recommended a new racquet.  He uses a Dunlop ICE Elite JP.

1.  I was wondering if any of you have any further feedback on the Aerogel range. 

2.  I notice there are new release dates on the some of the racquets such as the Ultimate - is the 09 model any different than the previous?

3.  I see there's a model called the Pro (different than the ProGT) - how does this racquet compare?

Thanks very much



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From Demo - 07 Aug 2009 - 01:06

Dunlop Aerogel 4D ELITE review

So since I've last posted in the More String Advice Thread (thank you Adz for your advice on the BlackKnight Ion Drive), I went and purchased the Dunlop Aerogel Ultimate with Tecnifibre 305s, as I felt the Ion Drive was too heavy for me.

The Ultimate was my racket of choice for a few of months, and I preferred its weight and larger head. I just received the Dunlop Elite 4D, which I ordered online since they do not have any of the 4Ds out in Canada yet. I have to say, the Aerogel 4Ds are a nice evolution over last year's Aerogels.

The reason I chose the Elite, rather than the Ultimate, is the 5g drop in weight in all Dunlop 4Ds this year, making the Elite 4D 135g, compared to my Ultimate's 137g. Both my Dunlops have Karakal PU grip with Yonex Supergrap overgrip, however the Elite is strung with Tecnifibre X-One. Comparing their weights, the Ultimate is slightly heavier, however the Elite 4D is a tad more head heavy.

The Ultimate's frame has a hollow feel to it, while the Elite 4D feels solid, "filled in". The racket is stiffer, and vibrates much less. If you've ever played with the Blackknight C2C series, that's the feel I get, like a solid block when I hit the ball, relative to the Dunlop Ultimate. It definitely has more power to it than the Ultimate, but I can't determine how much of that difference is attributable to the strings and how much is due to the racket, since I changed the strings immediately. Overall, It's a good step in the right direction for me. Stiffer as advertised, less vibration and a bit more forgiving. The beautiful paint job definitely helps :).

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From manas.bhatnagar - 23 Apr 2009 - 22:06

Hi all,

I recently purchased a Dunlop Custom Pro racquet (with inter changable grips). The problem is that I am not able to change the grips. When I remove the screw beneath the grip, still the grip does not seem to come off. I am afraid to put extra pressure and pull or twist it as it may break the throat of the racquet.

I need help regarding the changing of grips. If anyone of you have ever come across changing the grips of Custom Pro ar has any idea then do help me out.

Thanking in anticipation.


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From VolleyNick - 17 Apr 2009 - 21:22   -   Updated: 21 Apr 2009 - 09:33

Hi Mark,

I definately like the look of the new Aerogel 4D range, especially the Evolution which is the Nick Matthew signature series. The expanded throat for power but still keeping a small bridge for control.


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From ferris69 - 11 Apr 2009 - 01:16

A lot of the guys have custom grips..Shabana, Gaultier and Grant (when he was with Dunlop)

Does anyone know if these can be bought as i would like to get some. Or does anyone know Gaultier or a Dunlop rep. Maybe he would sell his old models??

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From wookie13 - 10 Apr 2009 - 23:34

Shabana seems to like a custom grip anyway. Check this clip out. I have changed grips in many Dunlop rackets and I have never seen a grip like this:

Shabana grip clip

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From wookie13 - 10 Apr 2009 - 23:22   -   Updated: 10 Apr 2009 - 23:25

 UberPooch, I played with an Aerogel Tour for most of this season. It's great racket and, with the right strings, it feels great. There was only one thing I didn't like. The power off it was very inconsistent. When I hit the ball properly I could hit it as hard as I wanted but when I had less preparation time it was often disappointing. Of course this is probably more of a problem with my swing than with the racket.

When it cracked (the 3rd in a year, got replacements twice) I decided I wanted something more forgiving and opted for an Elite. My hits of the Elite are much more consistent but now I get a lot less feedback for when I hit the ball off the sweet spot. This is a bit disconcerting at first but I got used to it. Meanwhile I thought I would try something different and bought a Tecnifibre Suprem Axis. It's my favourite out of the 3.

The Suprem Axis feels like a less "educated" racket: more vibration, thicker frame; when I bounce balls on it and the Elite, the Tecnifibre feels the worst. But when I get on court it's just brilliant: no surprises, the ball does what I want and even when I only have time for a short swing I seem to always be able to put the ball where I want. The biggest difference between it and the Elite appears to be that whereas the sweetspot on the Elite is elongated along the length of the racket, on the Suprem Axis it's just widened equally in all directions. I really like it. It's not used by any pros, but I don't mind.

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From UberPooch - 09 Apr 2009 - 21:51

Hi all, been browsing for awhile and finally decided to post. I'm looking at the Aerogel Pro (no GT) but I live in the States so it's tough to find. I like it for its weight and balance but if I can't get the GT I may check out the Tour. I'm a decent-sized guy, 6'4 @ 215-lbs and power doesn't seem to be a problem with my game. My only concern is the balance since I've never really played with a head light racquet but comments here seem to say it doesn't really feel head light.

adz, I think I remember correctly that you used to play with the Tour awhile back (actually I think you've played with every racquet on the market). Knowing what you know now would you still recommend the Tour or is there another racquet in that price range ($84 here in the States) that may be a better choice since the Tour was released?

Eddy, still liking your Tour in the 4 months that you've had it?




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From Eddy01741 - 19 Mar 2009 - 11:45

Perhaps it's a repainted ICE Custom Elite (500 square cm and 14x19 like the normal ice elite and aerogel elite).  I'm pretty sure that Dunlop only tried the interchangable handle thing for the hot melt and ice series, and it proved to be unpopular (think about it, you take the normal, even balanced racquet that is the HM Pro/ICE Elite, which is already 140gm unstrung, add on a 20 or so gram weight to make it handle heavy, becomes a 160 gram handle heavy racquet, not a 140 gram handle heavy racquet). Perhaps he has a custom order from Dunlop, aerogel construction, aerogel ultimate paintjob (minus the inside of the throat, which should be black), 14x19 pattern like the elite, and 500cm head like the ultimate and elite, but also with the interchangable handle system of the ice custom elite.


I however, also have doubts about it being even aerogel construction, look at the handle and look at the throat, Aerogel racquets (minus the Aerogel Pro, which is just the HM/MW/ICE Pro mold with the new aerogel materials) are distinct in having a longer handle (which Shabana's repainted racquet does not have), as well as an expanded throat (again, not there in shabana's racquet).


Looks like Dunlop really made a fake posterboy outta Shabana, they pride their "best" (well, most expensive and newest) aerogel on him (and the aerogel 4d is the same case), yet he doesn't even use it, in fact, it's looking like he doesn't even use an aerogel racquet period, he uses a two generation old ice custom elite instead that is repainted to look like the new aerogel ultimate (despite the silver inside throat, 14x19 pattern, normal length handle, and normal size throat).


Seems like the actual players don't like the new aerogels that much themselves, they are just posterboys for Dunlops Aerogel line, example:

Ong Beng Hee and Gaultier last year in the Superseries, the Aerogel line was already launched by then, yet both of them are still using their old ICE racquets (Elite and Tour respectively). Perhaps for all the popularity the aerogels have in recreational squash playing (from what i have seen, a lot of club players and high schoolers on teams take a liking to the aerogels), the pros themselves don't actually like them.

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From Demo - 19 Mar 2009 - 10:51

 I haven't been around long enough to know the Dunlop ICE racquets.. but the repainted racquet he's using can't be the Elite. It, in fact, has a removable handle.


Take a look at a video of him regripping his racquet from squashlive:

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From Eddy01741 - 18 Mar 2009 - 06:51

Sheesh, the problem is that the "repainted Aerogel Elite" that Shabana is using doesn't even look enough like the Ultimate. At first I knew something was amiss about the paintjob, but upon closer inspection the inside of the racquet throat is silver like the pro, pro gt, and the tour, whilst the elite and ultimate have black inside throat, call me nitpicky, but it still looks unusual whenever I look at it.

I wonder what Dunlop will do now though, Shabana has been their posterboy ever since they released the ultimate, on the dunlop site, they have extra pictures of the ultimate showing it off (including showing off the signiture of Amr Shabana on it), and the claims that it (the ultimate) is being used by the world number 1 (well, he was, till Karim Darwish took the #1 spot, who was previously using a Pro GT and now switched over to Head), he's already slated to be the Aerogel 4D Ultimate posterboy too from this link:

"Used by world number 1, Amr Shabana"


It also has the 16x19 pattern currently on the Aerogel Ultimate, whilst the pictures from the super series suggest he now prefers the 14x19 string pattern of the elite.


Anyhow, I find it interesting that a lot of dunlop player still use their ICE racquets rather than their aerogels. For example, in the super series 2008 pictures (currently down for some reason), in a certain picture you could see both Gaultier and Ong Beng Hee using their old ICE racquets (the tour and elite respectively), while back then I'm 99% sure that the aerogel elite (which they both currently use) was already released.


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From Demo - 18 Mar 2009 - 03:32

The pics in the Super Series galleries are beautiful. Large and clean. The 2009 Aerogel 4d Elite looks like it's being used by Gaultier and looks great.


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From weiran - 18 Mar 2009 - 02:42

 Looks like Shabana's been converted to the Elite! Dunlop obviously don't want it to seem like Amr has abandoned his signiture racket so they've probably made him a few Ultimate colour Elites.

Also, I think Gaultiers using the new coloured Elite now as well?

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From ferris69 - 18 Mar 2009 - 02:39

Maybe it's his ice custom elite with a new paint job on it??

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From Demo - 18 Mar 2009 - 02:21   -   Updated: 18 Mar 2009 - 02:23

Speaking of the Dunlop Ultimate Amr Shabana, has anyone noticed that in 2008 and 2009 the Ultimate he's been using is actually strung 14/19, and not 16/19 like the commercial version?


I wonder if it has to do with the strings and a need for more power.


First pic is Super series 2008. Second pic is from last weekend's Super Series 2009.

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From Eddy01741 - 09 Mar 2009 - 11:56

Some new pics of the Aerogel 4D Squash Racquet Line:

Aerogel 4D Max:


Aerogel 4D Pro GT-X


Aerogel 4D Elite:


Aerogel 4D Evolution:


Aerogel 4D Ultimate:


I personally like the new styles, the Elite and the Pro GT in particular. The aesthetics remind me of the Wilson [K] Factor racquets though.

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From MarkG - 08 Mar 2009 - 14:52


Some info on the new range from Dunlop June 09….



Dunlop has further enhanced its Aerogel technology by taking it to the next dimension with 4D braiding. Four directional braided material is used at key points on the racket frame to significantly increase racket stability.

- at 5 and 7 o'clock to minimise frame torsion and increase control

- at 3 and 9 o'clock for increased stability and enhanced touch and feel

The results are exceptional racket control without sacrificing the established Dunlop racket feel. 4D braiding has been implemented across the whole Dunlop Aerogel portfolio, offering outstanding benefits to players of all abilities.



The major change is the introduction of the Evolution and the Max, both teardrop frames with open throats.  The Evolution is supposedly the lightest frame within the range.    Not much on the net as yet….here’s a summary (there seems to be a few inaccuracies; also weights listed both strung and unstrung I think):


Evolution:              red accents, tear drop open throat (new shape), 490sqcm, 353mm balance, 14x18, 120 g or 147g , Nick Matthew

Max:                       bronze accents, tear drop open throat (new shape), 356mm balance, 500sqcm*, 159g, 14x18

Ultimate:              yellow accents, tear drop, 500sqcm, 365mm headlight balance, 132g or 152g, 16x19, Amr Shabana

Elite:                       green accents, tear drop, 500sqcm, headlight balance, 135g, 14x19,Greg Gaultier

Pro GT-X:               blue accents, round, 470sqcm, 365mm head light balance, 137g or 152g, 14x18, PSA Pros

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From MarkG - 01 Feb 2009 - 14:56

Hi all

It's been extremey useful - and interesting - to read all of your posts.  I have taken some of the advice mentioned, as emphasised by Adz, regarding trying before you buy.  It's a bit hard for me as I don't have access to any of the Aerogels so I tried out my coaches ICE eilte JP.  I've decided until such time as I can get my hands on the Aeorgels to play this racquet.  It has good control, okay power, and good feedback.  It feels very pure when struck correctly.  Having said that I will try out the Aerogels at the first opportunity.


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From bosartek - 30 Jan 2009 - 16:08   -   Updated: 09 Mar 2009 - 15:55

Please take another look at my previous post for corrections and some new details on the 2010 Dunlops.

The lizard-green racquet I mentioned is actually a current European model and is not quite the same as the 2010 Elite. Dunlop designed several versions of the Elite, but Dunlop North America passed on that particular model [for this year].


As for the "pro shop" racquets, I think this is intended to help grow the brand and promote the sport... that is, by limiting sales to specialty shops and clubs, Dunlop can increase its distribution at the local level. Rather than forcing small retailers to compete with online wholesale giants, Dunlop offers local pros an exclusive selection of "specialty" items to attract new business. As I mentioned earlier, profit has little to do with it as Dunlop strictly regulates pricing and would likely charge the same regardless.

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From bosartek - 30 Jan 2009 - 05:34   -   Updated: 30 Jan 2009 - 16:14


Dunlop periodically sells certain racquets as "pro shop" only, and the Pro just happens to be one of those racquets. The higher pricing of certain racquets is usually to help pay corresponding endorsement fees for sponsored players (e.g. the Ultimate helps pay Shabana's contract). Other times it's to cover event fees (e.g. all extra money from the World Open edition went toward prize money for the 2008 World Open). These prices are set by Dunlop and not the vendor. In other words, it is not simply to artificially inflate the price. Dunlop would gladly do that on their own!

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From ferris69 - 30 Jan 2009 - 01:23   -   Updated: 30 Jan 2009 - 01:24

Just a quick question regarding Dunlop rackets.

I know Gaultier and Grant (when he was with Dunlop) used rackets with a custom made handle similar to the old ice custom.

Why don't Dunlop just make all the rackets with this shaped handle which seemed squarer??

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From Eddy01741 - 29 Jan 2009 - 22:33

Hmm, a lizard green racquet from dunlop? I thought dunlop always had some of the more plain looking racquets (which I actually like, not too big a fan of funky looking racquets).

Anyways, any idea as to why Dunlop is still only sellling the Aerogel in Pro shops (at least in the US, since multiple canadian retailers stock it online)? I mean, there is only one explanation I can see for this. It is to sway over the general populus (aka, more recreational and club players) who used to love the HM Pro and models like it, and by not selling the Pro online at cheaper prices, they would be effectively taking away that option so that they'd have to buy Dunlop's new style of racquets (long handle, wide throat, aerogel construction), instead of having them just buy an updated model of the same mold as always.

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From bosartek - 29 Jan 2009 - 19:10   -   Updated: 25 Feb 2009 - 18:10

Dunlop Updates!

Here is the latest from Dunlop regarding the Aerogel line going into next year...


Ultimate: cosmetic changes, new frame composition; World Open edition will be phased out. Same racquet specs.

Elite: carry over. Same racquet specs.

Pro GT: carry over. Same racquet specs.

Pro: carry over. Same racquet specs. Pro shop only.

Tour: discontinued.

JP Hotmelt Pro: limited release/tournament sales only (TOC).

Rush: heavier racquet (~160g) designed specifically for doubles play. Now available.

Pro GTX**: NEW. Same frame as GT but different cosmetics and new frame composition. Designed to play more like the HM line. Pro shop only.

XXXX**: NEW. A new series of high performance racquets with elongated heads.


The Pro will be continued through 2010 but will remain as a "pro shop" only racquet. This does not mean it's unavailable, just that it will not be sold through online retailers. Not sure about colors for the Ultimate, but if anyone saw the Gaultier-Palmer match, you unknowingly got a sneek peak at the new Elite (after breaking two of his standard racquets, Gaultier pulled out a couple of funky looking lizard-green Elites from his bag!). These updated models will be released mid-summer (June/July).



The M-fil Pro had a slightly different frame (a bit more rounded) than the HM Pros, but the same specs. Yes, the new Pro is the same frame as the popular HM Pro but with the new aerogel construction (if you look back at my earlier post, the new Pro does not have the same widened-throat as the other aerogels, as you pointed out).

If you hold up the Pro to the Pro GT, Tour, or HM Pro, you'd see that the racquet-head and stringing-patterns are identical. The other aerogels do have slightly longer handles (i.e. the handle tapers off slightly higher on the shaft of the racquet), but all of the aerogels are exactly the same length (actually, most modern squash racquets are similar in length, even between brands). Hope that helps!

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From bosartek - 29 Jan 2009 - 18:12   -   Updated: 02 Feb 2009 - 17:30

this looks to be a long one, so settle in...



Adz is correct about the weight/control relationship. The greater the mass of the racquet, the greater the rotational inertia (resistance to change of the racquet's angular velocity about an axis of rotation)-- basically, a heavier racquet will twist less upon an off-center ball strike. More important than mass is actually the balance, or "moment," and resultant swingweight.

**Moment is the turning force pulling a racquet head down when held parallel to the floor, where a large moment corresponds to a head-heavy racquet.**


A light racquet with a balance point far from the hand (Aerogel Pro GT) will have a larger moment than a heavy racquet with a balance point close to the hand (Aerogel Tour). This means the Pro GT will have a higher swingweight than the Tour and can generate more power when hit well; however, the smaller mass means there is less rotational inertia and some power will be lost to torsion, or twisting, for off-center hits (i.e. less control). Conversely, the Tour will have a lower swingweight (less power) but more rotational inertia and will be more forgiving for mishits (more control). The mass of the Pro falls inbetween that of the GT and Tour, but the Pro is even-balanced and thus will have a larger moment and more rotational inertia. Because the Tour feels lighter (smaller moment), it will also be easier to position for volleys and drops and so may be described as having more maneuverability and/or better touch; the "heavier" feeling Pro will be less maneuverable but more powerful.

Whew! If all this sounds confusing, that's because it is!!! Believe it or not, it can be broken down in even greater detail, which is exactly why you should not worry too much about how the insert describes a racquet. These terms can mean different things and manufacturers use them loosely in order to suit advertising campaigns and better market their racquets. The good news is that most racquets fall within the same range of mass, balance, stiffness, etc. so you need not worry about all the details to make an informed decision. Here are the [general] key points to keep in mind:


1. Power and control are inversely related; more of one means less of the other.

2. Balance and swingweight are more critical than total mass; a higher swingweight requires more effort to swing but creates more inertia and greater momentum through the hit (easier to "push" through the ball).

3. Hit with the racquet! If it feels good, it's good! I only recommend that beginners avoid very head-light racquets.


I like to think of touch as the subjective quality residing within the relationship of mass and balance.

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From Eddy01741 - 29 Jan 2009 - 13:02

Alright, well, as luck would have it, my next door neighbor in my dorm (who is a senior and a prefect) has had 3 aerogels, the Elite (broken), the Ultimate (has had for a week), and the Pro (Not Pro GT, and has never used it yet). He likes the Ultimate, he won in a match against Phillips Andover (one of the best private high schools in the world) Varsity Squash with it and just the factory strings. He hasn't tried the Pro yet, but does note that it's extremely long in length for a squash racquet (at least compared to the other Aerogels), from further inspection myself on the dunlop sports website, it would seem that the Pro has a slightly longer handle (albeit a slightly narrower throat too) which makes it longer.


Anyways, the Tour has served me well so far, it's got lots of control and power on it, it could just be psychological, but I think I play better with it than my nTour (or it could be that for those two weeks that I didn't have a good racquet I improved my skills). I will be restringing it with PowerNick 18s soon, probably within the next month if not next couple weeks.

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From bosartek - 29 Jan 2009 - 05:08

Things have been bery busy at the TOC, but I have some updates regarding Dunlop that I will try to post in the next day or two... should help answer some questions!



Yes, you are correct. John White has left Prince (!) and signed with Dunlop just prior to the start of the TOC. He is now playing with the new Aerogel Pro (maybe part of the reason that the Pro is being marketed as a "specialty only" item?). Unfortunately for Dunlop, John lost his first round match but, still... very odd to see John without his signature tear-drop Prince!

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From Good Length - 27 Jan 2009 - 10:17   -   Updated: 27 Jan 2009 - 10:24

The Tour is more headlight and this effects the perceived weight a lot for me. I have one and it actually feel lighter overall than my m-fil Pro which should be 5g lighter. But it's gripped differently and this does have an effect on weight (and balance).

A heavy head does help with stability but i personally find that even or slightly head light promotes a much more natural swing. But where the weight is is distributed in the racket has a big effect of this too.

I think the m-fil pro has the nicest balance out of all my rackets but my 'head heavy' o3 black is actually slightly more headlight after building the grip up with tape (which is more dense than PU grip). In fact the balance point is almost identical to my Tour now (which has light overgrips on the handle). But the o3 has a much more solid and stable feel to it which is strange because they should be about the same weight. Could be the weight distribution I guess.

So my point is, that the balance is just a starting point and is affected by the string (thick or thin) and grip. And don't read to much into the power / control rating from dunlop, it's basically marketing. You can easily tune to overall weight and balance to your requirements and the string tension will have the biggest effect on the power / control (provided the balance doesn't majorly conflict your style of swing).

If you want to even the balance up and add a bit of stability add a few grams of lead tape to the hoop at 2 and 10 o'clock positions. But I think you will probably just get used to it as it is.

Also the Tour looks *awesome* with red tecnifibre x-one biphase string (and that will give you a little extra power too). I have it at 11.75kg 11.25kg and the stringbed is firm but plenty of power. And the accuracy and touch are superb.


Hope something in my rambling post is useful! :)

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From Eddy01741 - 27 Jan 2009 - 00:06

Well, it should also be noted that the Tour is also supposedly the most head light of the Aerogels (aka,a lot of weight in the handle).


Anyways, thanks for the heads up on the Aerogel Pro. I guess I'll wait till next year when it might be availible to buy online from US retailers before considering it.

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From Adz - 26 Jan 2009 - 23:40


Having a slightly heavier feel adds very much to control. A heavier head weight will give stability when striking the ball, where as a light head will have less stability and be more prone to movement during the contact. Think of trying to move a snooker/pool ball with a squash ball. The weight ratio of the pool ball on the squash ball gives for a crisp contact and will move the squash ball, but trying to use the squash ball on the pool ball wouldn't nearly work as well. I think from a physics point of view it has something to do with energy dynamics and transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy, but ultimately it means that a heavier object will exert a more focused energy than a lighter one.

Also the stiffness of the Pro comes from the type of material and not the design of the racquet. The aerogel material is densly knitted together adding strength, but the extra strength also adds a natural stiffness to the material and also greater vibration (which is probably compensated for with some better form of shock absorbtion in the handle / stem of the racquet. So the Pro will have the same natural stiffness and density as the other Aerogels, but the shock absorbtion of the frame design could give it a completely different feel to the others......






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From Eddy01741 - 26 Jan 2009 - 22:38

Ay, my bad Rippa Rit, I meant two months, not two weeks haha, my bad.

It'll probably last longer now since I'm a better squash player than before (hence likely hitting less walls when going for rails).


Thanks for the stringing help Adz, I'm sure it'll come into handy when I get around to restringing (aka, sometime after the current exam week).

Just one small question though, how does the Tour then have more control than the Pro GT? I can understand how it has less power (slower swing speed with the heavier overall weight), but how does it have more control? The way I see it overall weight doesn't affect control as much as it does momentum and racquet head speed (which put together make up power). And the stringing pattern is the samme as well as the head size. So I am confused as to how the Tour has more control than the Pro GT when it seemingly is just a heavier Pro GT (with more weight mostly in the handle too).


Also, the new Aerogel Pro  is just using the same mold as the old Pros (not including M-fil), right? Meaning it doesn't have the expanded throat or the longer handle and has even balance. However it still has the stiffness and feel of the Aerogel line, right?



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From weiran - 26 Jan 2009 - 20:22

 Anyone notice that John White seems to be using the new Aerogel Pro at the NY Tournament of Champions?

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From Adz - 26 Jan 2009 - 20:06

Eddy - have replied to your stringing thread so hopefully that will get you started on the stringing front! If you're after power with the powernick 18 I'd start off at around 20lbs-22lbs on the machine with the Tour (if there's a tension gauge around then check before using to make sure the machine is calibrated properly!).

This should be firm but with a nice spring in the string-bed. If you want a bit more control then up to around 22-24lbs but this will give you a much firmer bed (remember that powernick should be strung 10-20% LOWER tension than average so 20-22lbs is actually more like a 24-26lbs tension!)

As for the included POS with the racquet, the racquets are exactly the same as I first believed. The Pro GT having more power than the Tour due to the faster swing speed from the lighter head, and the Ultimate and Elite having more power again due to the larger head sizes with the Ultimate having more control than the Elite.

Anyhow........ Hope the stringing guide helps and that you get the right tensions to suit your game!







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From rippa rit - 26 Jan 2009 - 15:48   -   Updated: 26 Jan 2009 - 15:49

Eddy - I hope your next racket lasts for more than two weeks, especially with all your time and effort spent on research, etc..  If you keep breaking rackets at this rate I definitely would change my racket criteria.

The Dunlop Ice Elite JP Model in Squashgame's online US Shop is $84.90 (free shipping).

Keep having fun.

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From Eddy01741 - 26 Jan 2009 - 11:29

Alright then, well, just posting up initial impressions of the Aerogel Tour, I'm gonna base my review format off the format used for string reviews in the one stop string shop:

Your racquet type

Dunlop Aerogel Tour

The string brand and model that is in the racquet

Dunlop M-Fil TS 17 Gauge (I think it is 1.30mm thickness)

What you paid for the racquet

86.95 USD with free shipping

Your location

New England in the United States

Your game type (slow, touch, fast, big hitter etc)

Mostly rails and kill shots, boasts are only for defensive shots, drops when the occaision is right, so mostly a big hitter type (but I try to emphasize having rails that are close to the wall and well placed kill shots)

Your average time between breaking racquets

The nTour lasted me from about Thanksgiving to a week ago, so about 2 weeks

Your general review comments about the racquet (talk about feel, power, endurance, life-cycle etc)

The first impression I had when I picked up this racquet was "wow, this thing is a lot heavier than I expected". Well, the supposed unstrung weight of this racquet is 145 grams, which isn't that heavy (my nTour was 140 grams unstrung). However, there is a broschure from Salaun Sports that shows the strung weight of these racquets (linky:, in it it states the Tour is 165 grams strung, which on the other hand, is quite heavy, whilst my last racquet the nTour was 155 grams strung, and the other aerogel models are 150-155 grams strung. So yeah, it was heavier than I expected. After putting on a Karakal PU Super Grip over the original grip, it is definitely head light with a balance point of about 33cm from the handle, but that isn't THAT head light.

Now, for on the court impressions. The Tour has very good control compared to my nTour. WIth the Aerogel Tour it's a lot easier to control the height on my shots, which I had trouble with on my nTour, it could be just that I developed my technique, but that'sj ust something I noticed. The Aerogel Tour is also suprisingly loaded with power. My hard shots are harder than ever with the Aerogel Tour, I suppose it's because the head lighted ness improves my racquet head speed whilst the heavy weight still gives good momentum behind the swing. Overall just a great racquet, more control and power than the nTour, the only downside is that it feels noticably heavier, but I don't mind anyways.

Now, funny thing is, that on the little Aerogel sheet that was attached to the strings on my new racquet had a little gauge comparing control and power, it looked like the following:


Obviously, T stands for Tour, P for Pro GT, U for Ultimate, and E for Elite. So by their little gauge, they say that the Tour has the most control and the least power. I was a little surprised as I kind of expected the Pro GT to have the most control and least power (it's basically the same as the Tour, but just lighter), the Ultimate and Elite are what I expected (Elite having max power with big head and sparse stringing pattern, the Ultimate having good power with big head and decent control with dense stringing pattern. Plus, from my own experiences, the Tour has plenty of power, noticably more than the nTour (although it's possible that the properties of the Aerogel Tour simply mesh with my squash game better to produce more power).


I can only wonder how much power the Elite has though...


Overall stilll, great racquet, a bit heavy compared to comparable racquets, but great power and great control. I'm going to restring it with PowerNick 18 soon (aka, when I find out how to efficiently string using the machine at the school as stated in my other thread).


If I buy a new racquet, I'll probably spring for the Elite though, there's a shop about 30 mins away from my home, that sells the Elite for $99.99, a lot cheaper than online (it has taxes, but who cares).

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From bosartek - 22 Jan 2009 - 16:52   -   Updated: 02 Feb 2009 - 16:49

Sorry about the digression, just didn't want to step on any toes!



I would have to agree with you... when the aerogels were first released, I couldn't understand why Dunlop seemingly dropped the Pro in favor of the Pro GT ( I since got used to the GT and actually came to prefer it to the other aerogels, but the Pro has always been their best selling model. I don't think Dunlop wanted to release too many racquets based on the same frame, and the head-light Pro GT may well become the new "Tour" as the 2008 model is now discontinued.

I would guess that by the end of the summer, Dunlop will release the 2009 Pro to all retailers as part of its standard lineup. Keep in mind that the base price is still set by Dunlop and not the specialty shops themselves, so don't let the availability discourage you (the MSRP for the Aerogel Pro is $179.99 and the sale price is $149.99, so $129.99 is still a good deal).

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From Eddy01741 - 22 Jan 2009 - 06:57

Well, getting back on topic...


Do you guys think that the Dunlop Aerogel Pro will ever be sold in the US (not counting Canada retailers that can ship to US)  from places other than specialty shops (with high prices and such)? Since I mean, the HM Pro was the most popular Dunlop racquet IIRC and it had similar specs to the Aerogel Pro (same headsize, even balance, same string pattern, just 5 grams lighter than the Aerogel Pro), so I think that the Aerogel Pro would also be a pretty damn popular racquet if it were sold in more retailers.


Anyways, I decided to go with the Aerogel Tour anyways, it's about as expensive as most of the other options I was considering, which would be; ICE Elite/Pro/Tour, and the HM Pro. I didn't want to try anything from Wilson because 1. I just used a Wilson nTour, and 2. I didn't feel like there was anything better than the nTour from Wilson in the price range for me. Head only had the LM and FP series under 100 dollars, and I have heard they ain't the best racquets (especially in terms of durability). I'm not too keen on trying the teardrop designs either, since I've tried a few of my friends and I like the round heads better. I would liked to have an oppertunity to try some of the black knights (prestrung with ashaways), but Black knight makes most of their racquets teardrop.

Since the Aerogel tour didn't cost too much, I was also able to buy a set of PowerNick 18s, and I'll probably use the default strings for a little bit, then restring my racquet when I feel like it.


Well, hopefully the "extra head light" won't turn out too bad for me (coming from an even/head heavy (36cm balance point) nTour), but this place called salaun sports, which only sells to interscholastic programs, clubs, and retailers, has said that it isn't that head light and is for agressive hitters:


Sorry if it seems like I'm advertising, they don't even list prices online and they require you to call them up if you want to order a racquet from them, but their broschure is great, since it lists the strung weight and the real balance. As you may notice, its only listed as head light/even, and there are racquets that are instead listed simply as head light, so I don't think the balance on the tour should be that bad.

I have to say though, If I had the money I probably would have sprung for the Elite or Pro GT instead.

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From bosartek - 22 Jan 2009 - 03:55   -   Updated: 22 Jan 2009 - 03:59


I think you have the right approach, and the members appreciate it. Squashgame is an excellent resource dedicated to the sport with a good shop to back it up, not the other way around. I think everyone would agree that the forums offer honest opinions, and questions are always answered in a friendly, helpful manner free of sales pitches and unsolicited marketing. The shop is accessible but unobtrusive and only adds to the site. I know that's why I enjoy contributing.

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From rippa rit - 21 Jan 2009 - 22:27

Thanks Bosartek - we have a close knit squash family on squashgame and I don't want to "play my violin"..I realise we do need to make a bigger bolder statement on the home page re the gear, and that will come bringing the SHOP more in front of our members. In a nut shell, to keep this site progressing and vibrant, we do need our member's patronage.

On the lighter note, I just watched the ladies tennis play a really tough physical and mental game, and out of my other eye, entering the key words into the Gear articles, and could only think who needs a good bat when you really need a damn good head, and heaps of intestinal fortitude, to win...and if we could wrap that up and sell it, it would be a top product.

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From bosartek - 21 Jan 2009 - 17:49   -   Updated: 21 Jan 2009 - 18:00


I had not looked at the Squashgame Shop, but that certainly makes things easier for the members. Please don't misunderstand, I am all for supporting Squashgame and am not here to sell racquets, but the price I quoted is the correct price for the US market -- see below for explanation.

I don't know about the availability in EU, but US shops are not allowed to advertise the AG Pro online. The racquet from Squashgame US is brokered through Amazon and actually ships out of a specialty store in Canada, and the Amazon stock is limited to 2-3 racquets. Now I'm also not sure about the pricing policies in Canada but in the US, Dunlop issues a "minimum allowed price" below which a dealer may not advertise (that's why US shops always have the same prices for new Dunlop products, unless they choose to raise the price). Keep in mind that a racquet may still be sold for less depending on the vendor, but authorized dealers are not allowed to advertise below the minimum for direct sales.

The US is also typically the last to release new inventory, and some manufacturers actually specify that their products must not be shipped to the US from Canada (I haven't seen it with racquets, but Asics often does this with shoes); I sometimes purchase squash gear from abroad for that very reason. I am fortunate enough to have direct access to several racquet manufacturers but, unless you know someone who can get you a good deal, it's important to shop around and ask questions. Regardless, what better place than Squashgame to start! That's my plug :)

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From Eddy01741 - 21 Jan 2009 - 06:03

Unfortunately both the Microgel and the Dynergy are out of my price range (my price range is lower than 100 dollars).

Anyhow, I'm not sure which kind of racquet I want, since I havn't really tried too many besides my own nTour. However, my friends tell me that I have plenty of power in my shots and might need to work on control/finesse, which is what lead me to considering a head light racquet rather than another even/head heavy racquet like the nTour I had.


Also, what are your thoughts on the Ice Elites that you had previously owned? Since that's a racquet that is in my price range.

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From Adz - 21 Jan 2009 - 05:23

Hmmm, Aerogel Tour.......

Good racquet for the price, but it depends on what you're looking for specifically.

Comparible to the n-code..... I'd say no. You'd probably be better off looking at the Head Microgel Extreme or the Tecnifibre Dynergy 130. It's not that I'm trying to put you off the Tour, but when I owned mine, my training partner was using an n-code and they felt quite different to play with!

He's now moved onto the Dynergy and loves it.

Still I stand by my earlier statement...... Try before you buy!

Find anyone with a different racquet to yours and have a go. You're not looking to find a replacement but looking for a style of racquet that suits you. Then find those racquets that fit your needs and away you go!

But just to help, from memory:

Aerogel Tour:

Touch = Good

Power = Poor

Quite Stiff feel, but flexed under high power shots (hense the power being poor and touch being good!).

Easy to re-string

Quite durable (although I broke one of mine at the throat!!)


Hope that helps!!

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From Eddy01741 - 20 Jan 2009 - 23:06

Alright, what do you guys (Adz in particular since I know he has used one) think of the Aerogel Tour?

I just broke my nTour (2 days after getting it restrung and regripped, waste of 30 dollars it would turn out) and I'm gonna try something new (the most attractive offer from Wilson in my price range is the nTour once again...)

Price range is basically below 100 dollars, I'll probably get it restrung myself (I finally know how to work the machine at my school) with powernicks or powernick 18s. Would the Aerogel Tour be a good option? Since it's the only Aerogel under 100 dollars (it's like 87 dollars online).

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From rippa rit - 20 Jan 2009 - 19:57

Bosartek - I have read through your thread a couple of times, and in an earlier post I mentioned the wrap as well as the price of the Aerogel Pro GT. You now specifically refer to the Dunlop 09 AG Pro and say it is only available through Pro Shops yet both our Uk and US Squashgame shops have them for sale and the US price is $129 so that does not make sense to me, and even adding freight our Shop price would be competitive.

So, you think I am trying to plug the Squashgame Shops, yep, that's right, especially when our pricing and products are comparable.

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From Adz - 20 Jan 2009 - 19:34

Excellent post from Bosartek. Take a good read again if you're new to the thread.

Eddy, I'd also add that a less-dense stringing pattern wouldn't mean less control, just more difficult to control. If you are a natural touch player or have an excellent shot capacity then you don't see an advantage from the Ultimate, if anything you see a disadvantage. For power players looking to add control and are not concerned with losing a bit of "oomph" then I'd say it's worth a try, otherwise if you already have control then it would be worth looking at the less dense patterns.


One question on the World Open limited edition..... I was under the belief that it was heavier than the standard Ultimate? It certainly doesn't feel the same when you hold them next to each other in your hands.


Eddy.... I liked your table of racquet characteristics, but I'd also add...... Power is a mixture of strength and speed. Heavier racquets do not mean more power than lighter racquets as this can be balanced by the swing speed - e.g. a slow swing with a heavy racquet will give the same power as a fast swing with a light racquet. That is why most "professional standard" racquets now fall between 130g and 150g. Very few fall outside of this as it does not provide the "optimum" weight/power ratios.

Indeed the balance also comes into play as if you can move the head faster in a head light racquet you can make up for the slow head-heavy swing in terms of power.

String density plays a part in control, but a sparse string pattern will give better "bite" into the ball and give greater ability to spin and cut the ball which will ultimately lead to good control if you can master those skills.

Finally head size does indeed mean a larger sweet spot on larger racquets, but it will also depend of head shape, pattern density and most importantly string tension / type. If you use the right types of string for your style of play it won't matter if you use a smaller head or a larger one as any ball hit sweetly will still have huge power behind it.


I think this thread has certainly generated a lot of questions on different characteristics of racquets and I have to say WELL DONE DUNLOP!!!

It looks like they have catered for a wide range of playing styles in the same range of racquets which is one amazing achievement.


Finally (just to be a pain)..... Bos - Completely agree with you on the Black Knights. As long as I can still get them at competative prices to the Dunlop aerogels I'd never go back. The ION frames take a touch of getting used to, but now I find them the best I've ever played with. It just takes patience to stick with what you know is right for you and then find the strings to match.

For me I like an even balance to head-light frame (after 1 PU super-grip, 1 over-wrap grip and stringing). I prefer around a 470cm2 head to add to the control element of my game, and I've never been a fan of teardrop style frames. So that leaves.......

1) Dunlops (excluding Elite and Ultimate)

2) Black Knight Magnums or IONs

3) Head Microgel Extreme

4) Wilson N-Code

5) Tecnifibre Dynergy

6) Grays Powerflow Elite

I've either tried or owned ALL of the above, so I feel I've finally settled on an INFORMED choice in the Black Knights. But to those reading this, note that this experience hasn't come cheap in the last 5 years, nor has it come easy. I'm often asking players to try their racquets out when I see new models.


Try before you buy is definately a moto I'd recommend in squash!






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From bosartek - 20 Jan 2009 - 17:41   -   Updated: 23 Jan 2009 - 02:37

Please note that my most recent post (in another thread) was about the 2009 Aerogel Pro, NOT the Pro GT and NOT the HM Pro.

The 2009 Aerogel Pro (AG Pro) is the successor to the Muscleweave/Hot Melt Pro line (the M-Fil Pro was an unsuccessful departure from the same model with slight differences in the frame). The AG Pro has exactly the same frame and specs as the traditional Pro racquets (470cm sq; 140g; 14x18; even balance) and differs from the other aerogels in that it does not have a widened throat. For those looking to replace an older racquet only to be disappointed with the lack of power in the Pro GT, the AG Pro will feel like home. It plays very similarly to the MW/HM racquets, and switching is very easy. The only disadvantage is that you sacrifice some durability for stiffness.

The AG Pro is available throughout the US (and Europe, I would assume) at $149.99, but only through pro shops, and it is not allowed to be advertised online. For anyone interested, please note that the Aerogel Tour is still available in stores but has been discontinued by Dunlop for 2009. The GT Pro will likely take its place once the new Pro is added to the lineup.



The specs you posted from the AU website are from 2008 and those from the US website are from 2009. I don't know if it was a printing error or Dunlop decided the original specs were incorrect, but I find the new specs to be more accurate (it is highly doubtful that Dunlop made any changes to the racquet itself). Regardless, the criteria are not well-defined so I wouldn't rely too heavily on the printed specs beyond general descriptions. I don't know where in the US you are located but, if you were interested in the new Aerogel Pro, I could get it for you.



The 2009 Ultimate is unchanged from 2008, but there is a "World Open" edition with different cosmetics (and a different price!). For whatever reason (see above paragraph) the 2009 specs are slightly different, but the racquet is exactly the same.



As an aside, I have also been able to demo the Black Knight line and have been playing a lot with the Ion Storm (Palmer's new racquet). The Storm is substantially stiffer than any other racquet currently available, including the aerogels. I am not sure yet if I like it better than my Dunlop AG Pro, but it's an excellent racquet and deserves serious consideration. I would not recommend the Storm to beginners (not only because of the price), but it provides exceptional feel and power when hit well. Adz, I have to agree with you that the new BK racquets are quite good and poised to compete well with some of the larger brands provided they get enough exposure.

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From Eddy01741 - 20 Jan 2009 - 02:41

I've heard that denser string pattern adds control (more strings contacting the ball, so more control imparted, whereas a less dense pattern means less strings contacting the ball, which ultimately results in more power but less control).


Here is the way I see things in terms of the important stats of a racquet:


Heavy=more power

Light=More manuverable and more speed



Head Heavy=more power

Head Heavy=More manuverable and more speed


String Pattern:

Dense=More control

Sparse=More power


Head Size:

Large=More power bigger sweet spot

Small=More control more manuverable


So basically, if you want more control, I'd say you definitely want a denser string pattern and a small head size. Balance and weight are up to you, but probably on the lighter and head light side if you have enough power. Some good options from the Aerogel line would be the Ultimate, the Pro GT, and the Tour IMO. The Elite is more of a power racquet (big head, not so dense string pattern, heavier than the Ultimate), and the Pro (if you can get one) is kind of a balance between power and control.

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From pejrak - 20 Jan 2009 - 02:01   -   Updated: 20 Jan 2009 - 02:06

Hi Mark, the dense string pattern with Ultimate definitely adds to the durability of strings, they dont move that much out of position as well. And if someone misses the bite with thinner patterns, I would just recommend thinner strings.

Please note that I place much emphasis on the strings durability, because I would hate to keep up with restringing more than once a 20hrs of play (around one month for me). One guy at string shop who advised me to restring every 4 hours... I find that utter nonsense, at my level.

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From MarkG - 20 Jan 2009 - 01:38


Thank you all for your replies – it is very much appreciated.

Hi Adz.  I’m an Aussie living in Indonesia, and lucky enough to be getting lessons from a once No. 1 of Indonesia, who trained in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia.  I like the Muscleweave pro but I haven’t got the experience to really know.  My coach has said that it is too heavy (although I don’t think it’s that much heavier, so perhaps he is getting at the balance), and relative to new racquets is not as powerful, nor has the same degree of control.  From what I’ve read you have tried all of the Aerogels (except as you say the Pro model).  How would you rank them?  What racquet are you currently using?

Thanks Eddie.  I’ve been studying up too, although your post adds a great deal.  It’s hard to compare when there are so many variables.  Ideally, I am looking for both power and control, with a leaning towards control.   I also like a smaller head size, although this may be purely psychological on my part, so am open to the over-sized models.   Anyway,  I was looking at the Pro, Ultimate, or Tour.

Hi Pejrak. How do you find the dense string  pattern on the Ultimate?

Thanks Mike.

Ripparit.  Thanks, there’s is a lot of great of information on the site.

I may be pushing my luck, but if may ask a few general questions…part of the reason for so many questions is that I given where I’m living I don’t have access to the range, and will most likely have to take a chance and order one.

1.       1. I have read many comments regarding the breakability of the Aerogel range.  Is it the entire range or one racquet in particular (such as the ProGT)?  Was it one bad batch, or all?

2.       2. How would you rank the Ultimate compared to the Tour?

3.       3. What effect does a denser string pattern have on playability?


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From pejrak - 19 Jan 2009 - 23:37

I have owned the Aerogel Ultimate for 2 months now and I am most happy with it. Partly because my previous racket was Flexpoint 150, which had 12 vertical strings and I had to restring every 1-2 weeks, the Ultimate has 16 and I have to restring after 2 months now. Partly because of the large headsize which really gives a nice softspot. Compared to my other rackets I had including Tecnifibre Dynergy and Oliver Metacarbon something, it seems to me this one has quite a flexible frame and after a good warm up it always feels much better as part of your arm. But enough poetry, I know this all depends on the level we are at...

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From Eddy01741 - 19 Jan 2009 - 22:10

Just a simple question for anybody who knows, but is the Aerogel Pro new (like too new for the US), or is it just going to not be for sale in the US?


The reason I ask is because I think that if I were to buy any Aerogel it would likely be a Aerogel Pro, since it has a smaller head which I like, while still being relatively lightweight and even balanced.

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From Adz - 19 Jan 2009 - 19:02

Mike, you didn't say where abroad you were living?

From experience I've either used or owned the majority of Dunlop racquets, but not the new Pro model. I've read and heard that it's been designed to match the standard "PRO" range from Dunlop (e.g. Inferno Pro, Muscleweave Pro). It will therefore probably have a medium balance around the 140g mark with a standard Dunlop stringing pattern and a 470sq cm head (Just like Mike says in his post above!).

If you use a Muscleweave Pro now then this might be worth a look for you, but availability is still limited so you might have some difficulties getting hold of one.

As for the other Aerogels, Eddy's post is extremely useful and worth a good read through to understand the technical differences in the racquets.

For a player looking for an even balance racquet it will depend on how many grips you use...... sounds crazy I know, but go with me a second......


If you currently use 2 karakal PU super grips (or equivalent) on your muscleweave then using the Tour with a dense string (tecnifibre 305 1.2mm or thicker) should feel similar, but a touch lighter in the head. You'll find the same thing with the Ultimate, but the tour will give you better power and the Ultimate better touch.

I used the ICE Elite like your coach uses, and I found it to be a world of difference form the Aerogel Tour (in fact I sold 3 tours to buy 4 Elites!). The Elite had more power but less control, and the Tour felt stiffer which I can only put down to the Aerogel model as the ICE Tour felt fine.


Lots of information on Dunlops on this thread. Loads to read and take in. If you can find anyone who will let you have a hit with their Aerogels then take a go, but I would add........ If it ain't broke don't fix it....... The muscleweaves were great racquets and I know of loads of people who always say how poor the new dunlops are in comparison.


Good luck!




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From Eddy01741 - 19 Jan 2009 - 03:18   -   Updated: 19 Jan 2009 - 03:33

I find inconsistent data on the Pro GT, from the US/International Dunlop site:


From the AU Dunlop Site:


Anyhow, I've done a lot of browsing around the site looking at the Aerogels (a lot of guys on the varsity/JV team at my high school use em, so I wanted to see what all the rage was), this is what I've heard:

Pro: N/A, seems like it's actually a hard one to find, no US retailers sell the Pro, only the Pro GT, maybe it only sells in Europe and other countries.

Pro GT: Decent power with a medium stringing pattern (14x18), head light and 137 grams so a very manuverable racquet, but doesn't generate too much power, 470 square cm head for control (and not power).

Tour: Same stringing pattern and head size as the Pro GT, but 8 grams heavier (unstrung) and more head light, the extra weight gives a little more power (but reduces speed/manuverability) than the Pro GT, but at the same time the extra head light reduces power (but increases manuverability). This is the cheapest Aerogel (in the US you can get it for less than 90 dollars while the other Aerogels are 130 dollars).

Elite: Larger head than the Pro GT/Tour with 500 square cm, also head light but I have heard it is less head light than the Pro GT and Tour, it's stringing pattern is not too dense a stringing pattern (14x18) for good power, 140 grams unstrung so more power and less manuverability than the Pro GT. Basically, this racquet sacrifices manuverability and control for more power, and is stated to be the most powerful Aerogel racquet (bigger head, less dense stringing pattern, not as head light as some others).

Ultimate: Same head size as Elite for more power, but a more dense stringing pattern for more control. It's slightly lighter than the Elite, but with its denser stringing pattern I hear it's slightly more head heavy than the Elite. It's a balance between control and power. Less powerful than the Elite, but less control than probably the Pro GT.

Here is the way I see it (take it with a grain of salt since I havn't used any of these)

Power: Elite>Ultimate>Tour=Pro GT

Control: Pro GT>Tour>Ultimate>Elite

That's just my opinion though.

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From mike - 18 Jan 2009 - 22:53

I picked up a Dunlop brochure in Manchester (Oct 08, so applies to the 08 models). It says this:

Pro GT

Advanced Player / 137g / M-Fil & Aerogel construction / Head Light

description as per Ritta's comment

Power:  8/10
Control: 10/10
Touch/Feel: 9/10


Pro (non-GT)

Advanced Player / 140g / M-Fil & MH Carbon construction / Even Balance

A pro player spec frame that employs an even balance to generate greater momentum during swing cycle thereby enhancing power. A superbly constructed racket to drive the Dunlop "Pro" frame legacy forward.

Power: 9/10
Control: 9.5/10
Touch/Feel: 9/10

Both have 14x18 string pattern and 470cm2 head size

So the Pro has an even balance and generates a bit more of its own power through swing momentum. Pro GT is a bit better for control and touch/feel according to the brochure.

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From rippa rit - 18 Jan 2009 - 21:27   -   Updated: 19 Jan 2009 - 14:52

Welcome to the forum Mark.  The Relevant Content tab (in the column on the top left) has now listed articles on the other models you mention for some more reading. Here is the wrap on the Dunlop Aerogel Pro GT from the Squashgame UK Shop, listed reduced at 70 pounds. In the US Shop both models are listed at $129.

"DUNLOP Aerogel Pro GT Squash Racket Ideal for advanced players seeking an enhanced performanced frame based on Dunlop's best selling Pro racket, with addition of a windened throat area and long handle to deliver the ultimate in extra head-light pro player feel, manoeuvrability and control. Most used racket on the Prefessional World Tour.Head size: 470cm sqFrame Weight: 137gString Pattern: 14x18Construction: M-Fil/AerogelBalance: Head LightString: M-Fil TSString Tension: 20-30lbs/9-14kgsDUNLOP Aerogel Pro GT Squash Racket"

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