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Racquets from the string maker

Published: 18 Dec 2008 - 01:55 by p3ga

Updated: 18 Dec 2008 - 13:21

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I think the majority would concur that Ashaway is a highly regarded string manufacturer.

So waltzing around their webpage I see that they offer four different models of racquets, reasonably priced (at least here in the states). If you figure that re-stringing an existing racquet is a $15-$20 proposition, we're talking about a frame & grip for $60-$75. Heck, I've blown more money on a bad dinner.

I don't think they'd place their name (i.e. reputation) on a mediocre product, but I'm curious if any forum members play - or have played - with one, and any feedback. 





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From rippa rit - 18 Dec 2008 - 13:21

This post is the closest to Ashaway I can see in the "Relevant Content" tab. Maybe this member now has some feedback on the Ashway Graphite  Pro 9950.

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