Racquets String
Published: 15 Dec 2008 - 09:15 by huseyin
Updated: 15 Dec 2008 - 19:29
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All of factory squash racquets string are not good tension ? what do u think about tension and which ones are suitable for game

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From Adz - 15 Dec 2008 - 19:29
From rippa rit - 15 Dec 2008 - 13:51
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Most budget racquets are made with a budget factory string. Based on the majority I have seen, they tend to stretch a fair bit and either lose tension quickly or snap.
However, I would also add that there are quite a few manufacturers who are now using good quality strings in the top-end models (Tecnifibres use X-one or 305, Black Knights use Ashaway etc).
The difficulty is not in getting the "best" racquet or strings, but in the getting the most suitable for you and your game style. This constantly evolves as your game style evolves, and changing your racquet to a different model can have huge changes on the tensions you use in your strings or the types of strings used!
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