Racket/kit bag recommendation
Published: 04 Dec 2008 - 10:25 by jimbob1965
Updated: 09 Dec 2008 - 09:15
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I am looking for a new racket/kit bag and would appreciate any recommendations based on my ideal requirements, which are:
- Racket compartment for up to 4 rackets
- Separate compartment for wet/dirty kit
- Separate compartment for clean/dry clothes
- Separate area for court shoes / storage of outdoor shoes whilst playing
- Separate pocket for other items like phone, balls, coins etc.
Needs to be fairly large to be able to accommodate full kit, towels, clothes to change back into etc.
Any suggestions gratefully received.

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From jimbob1965 - 09 Dec 2008 - 09:15
From zatoichi - 08 Dec 2008 - 10:04
Personally I am quite happy with a 6 racket bag,
but for extra storage space
Tecnifibre Tour VO2 Max 9R Racket Bag looks pretty sweet,
it also comes in a 12 racket version as well
What I really like about it is the great backpack straps,
which makes it really comfortable to travel with..
anyhow good hunting, hope you find a bag that will suffice..
From Adz - 04 Dec 2008 - 23:51 - Updated: 04 Dec 2008 - 23:53
I was looking for the same type of thing a while back and none of the "squash" bags ticked every box!
I eventually settled on the Babolat Aero Pro 12 bag (the black and yellow thing Nadal uses). I use the current tour(?) version which is the black and white one.
They aren't cheap, but basically they have loads of space in 3 separate large holders with a small side-pocket.
Mine doesn't have any dividers in the small pocket, but the Aero Pro one does. And if memory serves there's a small zip pocket on the main divider that can fit about 4 squash balls or some keys, mobile etc.
Currently mine normally contains.........
4 racquets in full cases (can take up to 6 in cases or 7 (maybe 8) without) in one pocket (thermal lined)
Clothing kit in the center compartment (also big enough for 8 racquets in cases to give you an idea of size). This has a separate section for wet kit to be stored that is about the same size as a standard shoe box (so you could put shoes in there if you wanted).
Shower bag (one of the big unwrapping ones), shaving bag (containing balls, grips etc), shoes, training target-cones and various odds and ends all in the other thermal pocket (same size as the first one).
Then in the end pocket (a bit bigger than a sheet of A4 and about an inch and 1/2 thick) I keep used balls, shoes laces, MP3 player and a load of other nick-nacks.
It weighs somewhere around 15-20kgs when full of stuff for a match.
BUT!!! Tonight I have a match straight from work with a night out afterwards. So I have.......
5 cased racquets and one uncased (pocket 1)
1 large beach towel, shorts, 2 shirts, 2 pairs of socks, boxer shorts, 2x ankle wraps, tracksuit bottoms, 4x bandanas, jeans, t-shirt, hoodie sweatshirt (thick) (centre compartment)
2 pairs of squash shoes (size 10!!), shower bag, shaving bag, ankle brace, bin-liners (for wet kit), training target-cones (4 of) (pocket 2)
used balls, mp3 player, training notes, spare laces, pen-knife, spare electrical tape, plasters, bandage, padlock (for gym lockers) (side pocket)
So.......... erm..... my god I just realised how much crap I carry with me when I go to a match!!!! OUCH!!
Anyhow, I think you'll probably agree that this type of bag should fit everything you might need for a long weekend of squash, let alone a normal evening match!!
For interest, I picked my current bag up on ebay, brand-new for about £23 delivered. I think they're £40 new online, or the Aero Pro one is around £60 new, but has more little pockets than mine does.
From rippa rit - 04 Dec 2008 - 20:50 - Updated: 05 Dec 2008 - 07:18
jimbob - I think this bag will take everything including a cut lunch. It looks quite attractive, but large, and comes in a few colours.
Adidas 9 Racket Bag with compartments.
Karakal with thermal looks more like a squash bag
Slazenger Thermo Bag - 10 racket, 19.89 pounds, with plenty of room looks the most economical though most major racket companys have bags with their logo, eg Yonex, Prince, Dunlop, etc.
Jim there are so many bags or all sizes in the US Squash Shop so maybe you would enjoy scrolling through them all listed under Squash Bags; mind you I think they are for both tennis or squash.
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Thanks for the suggestions. In searching on EBay, I came across a new Dunlop 6 raket bag which I secured for just £6 via auction. Hopefully, this will be fine for my needs, but I thought what the heck, it was not too much to risk if it's not suitable and I am sure I can sell it to someone at my squash league. If that happens, then I will look more closely at the suggested models (like the look of both).
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