- live streaming WWT, Cairo
Published: 02 Dec 2008 - 16:03 by rippa rit
Updated: 06 Dec 2008 - 08:16
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Here is the latest from Egypt on the streaming, but u-tube might be a safer idea.
England are the favourites to win the World Womens Teams.
"This will be the biggest ever live webcast of a squash tournament - and the audience is also expected to break all records for a live audience," said spokesman Peter Wickson" "The coverage of the event - which features the world's top players from 19 nations - is expected to feature at least 60 matches from the National Stadium's
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From weiran - 06 Dec 2008 - 00:34
From lvanblerk - 05 Dec 2008 - 23:37
I can't actually find where to watch the streaming. Anybody know where it is?
From rippa rit - 05 Dec 2008 - 08:05 - Updated: 05 Dec 2008 - 08:09
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