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Australia withdraws from World Doubles, Chennai

Published: 02 Dec 2008 - 10:18 by rippa rit

Updated: 02 Dec 2008 - 10:18

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The following is extracted from a report by Squash Australia:

"Australia has decided to withdraw its team from the World International Doubles Squash Championships in Chennai from December 15-20 because of security concerns following the Mumbai terrorist attacks.

Squash Australia chief executive officer Gary O’Donnell said he had made the decision reluctantly following advice from the Australian Government and discussions with the Australian Consul in Chennai.

“I have spoken to Australia’s Consul-General and Trade Commissioner in Chennai,” O’Donnell said.

“He indicates they are operating on ‘high alert’, reinforced the gravity of the situation and that several delegations planned over the next few weeks have been cancelled.”

O’Donnell said the Australian women’s team, who are in Egypt at the world teams championship, were “very uncomfortable” about travelling to India.

“The situation is exacerbated by the fact that Kasey Brown and Donna Urquhart were delayed in Bangkok en route to Cairo for many hours because of the civil unrest,” O’Donnell said."

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