Looking for Powerful Racquet
Published: 29 Nov 2008 - 03:50 by PennyWISDOM864
Updated: 15 Feb 2009 - 09:32
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I am a beginner, but I would like to purchase a high-end racquet.
I am looking something with a lot of power that has a large sweet spot. What would you guys recommend? Would the Prince Speedports be good racquets for me or is there somehing that would be better?

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From zion - 15 Feb 2009 - 09:31 - Updated: 15 Feb 2009 - 09:32
From huseyin - 14 Dec 2008 - 07:11
The great racquets your choice OLÝVER.All of racquets are power and very very good handling,I use Oliver Xelon 3 .Oliver racquets materiels metacarbon and very stifness.
From p3ga - 14 Dec 2008 - 05:26
Another vote for the Karakal's: After demo-ing many different raccquets from several mfg's, I went with the BX150 - I found that it gave me as much power as the MX150, with a bit better feel.
The most important thing is to demo the racquets you are interested in & find what works for you.
From rippa rit - 03 Dec 2008 - 11:57 - Updated: 04 Dec 2008 - 15:30
When the big head rackets first came out one of my first was a Head with a large frame, with the bridge across the throat (don't ask me the model as I cannot remember but it was red and black), and whilst it was fine for straight driving, I found it a bit cumbersome in the corners, and I often made contact the floor or wall. I have a preference for the teardrop which has a more slender line.
The Squashgame Shop has Karakal MX140 at Pounds 68.51 and BX150 at Pounds 44.89, a composition of Graphite and Titanium.
From daveamour - 02 Dec 2008 - 18:04
For a compromise for value for money and power Titan raquets are great. The tiger is very powerful but gives great control too.
From hamburglar - 02 Dec 2008 - 01:28
I take maybe one lesson a year for the past 5 years. I've improved quite a bit, and haven't broken a racquet in the last 3 years. Broken lots of strings, no racquets though.
From sloejp - 01 Dec 2008 - 12:36
i'd recommend the tecnifibre carboflex. i used to play with prince but struggled to generate power with their rackets. once i switched to the carboflex, i was able to hit the ball with a lot more pace. i'm still working on improving my control and stamina, though.
From rippa rit - 01 Dec 2008 - 06:32
Penny - Adz is a bit of a racket Guru, and what he has advised are not that expensive either. A good average racket, at a good average price is right for a beginner too. No matter what price they will all break if given a good ding against the wall or floor. Then you can always give a review of your choice in the Gear Forum to help other beginners.
From Adz - 01 Dec 2008 - 05:44
Some things to keep in mind.......
1) A heavier racquet will generate more power, but will have a slower swing-speed.
2) Larger head racquets will give more power from the larger sweet-spot, but can suffer a lower level of control.
So, some suggestions would be............
1) One of the Wilson "Power-holes" series - around a 140g weight
2) Any larger oval head racquet (500cm2 or more) - Dunlop Aerogel Ultima or Elite?
Hope that helps!
From rippa rit - 29 Nov 2008 - 14:42
Penny this is the wrap the Squash Shop gives Prince Speedport:
"PRINCE 03 Speedport Tour Squash RacketO3 SPEEDPORT TOUR - Peter Nicols choice. Perfect for advanced players looking for a crisp hitting feel and more control in a heavier racquet, helping you to make the perfect shot, when it counts. The Speedport racquets give you the largest sweetspot for perfect control, ultimate speed, more power & ideal stability for pin point accuracy. This allows an accomplished Squash player greater creativity and the ability to produce winning plays around the court.Specification:Headsize: 73in2 / 470cm2Cross section: 17-18-22.5String Pattern: 16 x 16Weight: 145g unstrungBalance: 36.0cmLength: 27.0inch / 68.5cmString: Super Syn Gut 17Grip: MicroZorb IndoorPRINCE 03 Speedport Tour Squash Racket"
From rippa rit - 29 Nov 2008 - 07:28 - Updated: 29 Nov 2008 - 07:37
Penny - take a look at what has been said in the "Relevant Content" tab on the lefthand column as we have given advice through the Gear Forum on many rackets.
Take a look at our Squash Shop too as it gives good descriptions and recommendations on various models.
I know you emphasised the word "powerful" in your choice. The new technology does have more power in their racket composition, however, the power also comes from your technique. Check out our Squash Library/Squash Technique for more info.
The Squash Gear Forum Archives might be worth a read too.
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hi chap,
I'm a heavy hitter and if your interested in powerful rackets then I can only really recommend two rackets. The first, is just about all the top of the range prince rackets i.e. 03 black etc. they are great rackets and the power you get off them is amazing. There's only one problem with them they break, I know atleast three friends that have broken them within 2 weeks of owning them.
Ok, so unless you have enough money to buy a racket every 2 weeks then you have only one choice which is to buy the tecnifibre 125 dynergy. The racket is easily as good as the prince rackets and is even lighter at 125g unstrung. I've owned 2 and still have the both of them after 18 months. The rackets come with x-one red strings (just about the best you can get). The only problem is that I go through balls like there free.
If you interested, and I hope that not too many people use the site, go to www.bigsquash.com. The rackets are £125 RRP, at the site you can buy two rackets for £45 each.
I know this will help. don't tell too many people about the site.
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