Going flat strap
Published: 28 Nov 2008 - 17:16 by rippa rit
Updated: 29 Nov 2008 - 07:42
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You no doubt will have seen some changes to the squashgame site. And, of course, it is not really finished as we would have liked by this date. A summary of what has happened:
- Abandoned membership/registration, except for those who want to partake in the forum replies, receive a newsletter, etc.as listed under the Join/Register tab.
- Opened up the Gold videos clips to all.
- Brought on line more content.
- Added a Squash Shop,eg UK US and AU - and there is a bit of work needed to spif it up a bit more..
- Introduced a video on the home page which will have a video tip added each week...etc etc
- The technical discussion tab is now under the Member's Forum relating to the Library topic tabs.
There is probaby other things which I just cannot recall, but I am sure you will find. By the way 3 of those videos will not open and need a bit of tlc over the weekend.
PS - Now, just a warning, I just did a reply to post and it would not work so when Raystrach gets back later tonight to his computer that is his first job...so hold off till further notice just in case you get caught and cannot publish your good work.
PPS - RIppa Rita's hot tips will not open either so just leave them till they are fixed up.. anything else might have to wait till later tonight now.
PPSS - Notice the Squash Library/Strokes Movement has been renamed "Squash Technique" mostly because it was necesssary to reduce the length of the title in the new layout.
How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...Replies...
Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 29 Nov 2008 - 07:42
From raystrach - 29 Nov 2008 - 01:01
thanks for that mike.
yes, i do that for some other websites that i have done, but i started this protocol before i was that clever and do other things for the search engines so it probably won't happen whilst there are a million other things to do.
the search engines do rate us highly, and that should go up now that all our content will be freely available (which is one of the reasons we did it). prior to this, seach engines would only see a fraction of our library pages.
From mike - 28 Nov 2008 - 23:53
Great work Ray and Rita, much more modern and readable, though I imagine some people will be more comfortable with dark text on a light background.
Ray, if you really want to get fancy with the URLs you could have something like articleview/going-flat-strap which the search engines can reward due to the keyword placement.
From raystrach - 28 Nov 2008 - 23:50 - Updated: 28 Nov 2008 - 23:54
thanks adz
all should now be well with both posts and replies. those clean url's (eg articleview/38) cause problems which don't always show up in testing.
check it all out!
ps... we are only too happy to accept positive and negative feedback
From Adz - 28 Nov 2008 - 23:42
Sounds good.....
If this reply doesn't work then I'd have typed it for nothing, but the new layout looks pretty neat!
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Mike - I like the black as it looks smart but after squirting around this morning chasing things, my eyes are feeling the strain too.
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