Prescription Eye Goggles for squash?
Published: 16 Nov 2008 - 05:12 by italguy10
Updated: 21 Apr 2011 - 20:17
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Does anyone know if they make prescription eye goggles for squash? I don't wear contacts, I'm nearsighted and wear regular goggles and play at a disadvantage...........

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From sarahcoles - 21 Apr 2011 - 20:17
From rippa rit - 12 Apr 2011 - 19:36 - Updated: 12 Apr 2011 - 19:37
Unfortunately wearing contact lenses does not protect your eyes. Yes they do prevent the problems of specs fogging up and moving on your face with perspiration but them alone is not a protection. For safety sake we recommend goggles which will fit easier over lenses, or the i-max shield (protects the nose, eyes, teeth).
From sarahcoles - 12 Apr 2011 - 16:48
Ya i agree with ray. Consider getting Daily Contact Lenses, they require less maintenance, Allows maximum comfort and freedom to your eyes. And its even cost effective and can last upto a year. :)
From raystrach - 17 Nov 2008 - 11:03
consider daily contact lenses. they are relatively cheap and are thrown away after one use.
depending where you live, most optoms will provide you with a sample to try for free. once you have been tested, you canjust purchase a packet/packets depending on the strength of either eye (my eyes are pretty much the same) - you do not have to be retested each time.
From Adz - 16 Nov 2008 - 07:20
also check out another manufacturer called "Leader". They make some good models.
From rippa rit - 16 Nov 2008 - 07:15 - Updated: 16 Nov 2008 - 08:01
You are wise to be looking into the safety aspect as you will see from this link below. I know there is/was a rubber type frame that prescription lenses can be inserted, but I cannot give you much detail (a Doctor that played at the club years ago had them). The spectacle or safety manufacturers should be able to help with that query.. The cheapest solution would be the full guard, eg I-MEX.
There has been forum discussion on this topic. The key words have brought heaps of "Relevant Content" see in the column on the top left.
PS - I found this link which seems more to the point on safety frames.
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I agree with ray :)
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