Turning on serve return?
Published: 16 Nov 2008 - 05:10 by italguy10
Updated: 16 Nov 2008 - 08:22
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I need help on this guys............ I play a guy that can't handle my smash serve to his backhand side. He can't cut it off in time and allows it to side the side wall, then back wall and before I know it, he's on the forehand side of the court about to hit it, with me in the T. I am unsure what happens in this situation........ does he need to call out that he's turning? Should I stand my ground an stay in the T? Is it a Let?

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From rippa rit - 16 Nov 2008 - 08:19 - Updated: 16 Nov 2008 - 08:22
From italguy10 - 16 Nov 2008 - 07:44
The player is having trouble cutting the ball off before the ball hits the side wall, it therefore bounces on the floor, then hits the ball wall, and he tries to then hit. I'm in the T at this point with him behind me. I'm serving like this on purpose b/c he hugs the side wall in an attempt to smash it onto the front wall just above the tin. I'm trying to get him to back off a bit from the wall, so I can go back to hit some effective lob serves. He basically stands at the top left corner of the backhand serving box, waiting for my lob serve.
From rippa rit - 16 Nov 2008 - 07:26 - Updated: 16 Nov 2008 - 07:32
My first thought was, is the player actually turning or just following the ball around, by moving back to take the ball? Is the ball going behind the player and instead of taking it on backhand is taking it on forehand?
The main cause of the problem is in your hands. Change your serve. Serve it lower at the opponent's feet. Aim just above the "cutline" to keep it low and prevent is bouncing off the back wall. Make the angle so the ball lands at the opponent's feet or the side wall nick area - definitely do not make the serve hit the side wall too high up. The angle of the serve is determined by the front wall target, eg on the forehand side aim about the middle of the front wall, and on the backhand side aim about 2/3rds across the front wall.
There has been much discussion on this previously and here is a forum article.
It would be a good idea to check out the Squash Library for more info on serving.
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There is a video, see the Relevant Content tab on the top left of "turning discussion" (Rule 9). Whatever happens you have to get this guy out of that back corner by forcing him to move, and your serve is the key to that. Changing your serve to come at his feet is the best solution. What your opponent is doing is "dangerous play" and what you are doing by going to the T after a loose serve is almost surely causing Interference (Rule 12), where it is your responsibility to make every effort to avoid the interference.
While your opponent stands in the corner he will be flat out volleying the serve unless he moves forward in the court. That is why you must keep the ball low and hard without any rebounding.
Pounds to peanuts this guy will not move out of the corner to return the serve until your serve starts bothering him. Now is the time to take up the challenge, and work on that serve.
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