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Egypt on top of Mens Squash

Published: 05 Nov 2008 - 07:34 by rippa rit

Updated: 05 Nov 2008 - 07:43

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Egyptian squash must be on top of the world, literally, with three players in the top four World Rankings. England do have a good bunch of top men with the highest ranking at No. 5.

It is good that the Aussies can gloat about their 1990's records that align with the current Egyptian Mens records. Fortunately I was very much part of coaching in Australia at the time and got a lot of motivation from the success of Chris Robertson, Rodney Martin, and Rodney Eyles, etc.

England have 4 in the top 10 in the Womens Rankings making them tops in a teams event.  The difficult thing is being in the 10/20 rankings and struggling to make a living, and at the same time working hard every day. 

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The videos look really good to me, Good levels of lighting and a nice camera angle for the ones i have looked at. 

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