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My World Championships Experience

Published: 01 Nov 2008 - 02:02 by mike

Updated: 04 Nov 2008 - 07:24

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I'm a little late with the event ended a few weeks ago, and the next tournament well underway, but I just got home and my photos loaded.


View my Hi-Tec World Open 2008 Photos Here
(no during-match shots as I can't take the game in while operating a camera)


I watched:

  • Jenny Duncalf - Vicky Botwright (Semi)
  • Amr Shabana - Ramy Ashour (Semi)
  • Nicol David - Vicky Botwritght (Final)
  • Ramy Ashour - Karim Darwish (Final)

Unsurprisingly the Squash was amazing. Malcom Willstrop wrote that the Ramy v Amr Semi-Final was the best attacking match he'd ever seen, and the crowd were audibly impressed many times with the shots and the movement to return those shots. Very tight, creative and fast squash. Those Egyptians are beautifully deceptive as well.


It was great being in a place with such a density of good squash and people I recognise, but have never met (Malcom Willstrop, Geoff Hunt, Anthony Ricketts, Peter Nicol, Alister Walker, Nick Matthew Adrien Grantand on and on).


I just wish the tournament had been at the end of my trip so it could have rubbed off a little more strongly on my own game now that I'm home . I should have come earlier and watched more rounds too...

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From rippa rit - 04 Nov 2008 - 07:24

mike - the fine skills will come back after a bit of solo practice.  The motivation will carry you through. Don't get too carried away trying to do too many things at once.  Suppose you want to do it all before you forget it!!

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From mike - 02 Nov 2008 - 19:53

My touch shots are a bit off after a couple of weeks without playing, but I have taken on a few styles of movement that I observed.


After the Open in Manchester I went to London for some sightseeing. I ran into Joey Barringon at a tube station there. He'd just come from a match wtih Peter Barker at Wimbeldon. I also came across Brad Hindle on my travels in Ireland.

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From rippa rit - 01 Nov 2008 - 08:38

Thanks Mike.  Excellent slide show of the photos.  So your drops and drives have improved since returning home?  It is always very motivating to be in such a crowd and when those balls start banging away sets off a special feeling in your tummy.

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