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Adrian Grant's forehand

Adrian Grant's forehand

Adrian Grant's forehand

Published: 22 Oct 2008 - 09:54 by jimbob1965

Updated: 28 Oct 2008 - 10:32

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I have just downloaded a couple of the fine matches seen at the World Open last week as I had a bit of credit left on my account, choosing the amazing semi final between Shabana and Ashour and Adrian Grant's fine win over Gaultier. 

Watching the latter match, something struck me about Adrian Grant's forehand stroke, particularly when he has time to measure up for the shot when at the back of the court and wanting to send it back deep.  This stroke looks highly controlled, with a high racket prep and the forearm well extended and racket starting out from well behind his body.  He also gives the ball plenty of space and uses a wide arc throughout the execution of the stroke.  He seems to thus generate both power and placement effortlessly.

I just wondered if anyone else had noticed the difference with Adrian's forehands and tries to hit the ball in a similar fashion with any success? 



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From rippa rit - 28 Oct 2008 - 10:32

Jim - Recognising positive attributes is another skill too.  Here at this link I can recognise something positive in a 9 year old's attempt to play this game, ie early preparation, angle of the backswing, watching the ball, balanced footwork.  A damn good start to making progress.

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From jimbob1965 - 28 Oct 2008 - 08:36

You are right Hamburglar, it is probab;y just a matter of style but it is a style that catches the eye and I feel shows a lot of positive attributes.  I have been trying to emulate some of these, such as keeping a good distance from the ball and the high back swing, and I definitely feel my forehand is improving as a result.

I agree the Grant v Gaultier encounter was a good match and it was great to see Adrian win against one of the top ranked players.  I hope he gains in confidence and pushes on from here to chalk up more similar victories and break into the top 10. 



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From hamburglar - 28 Oct 2008 - 05:23   -   Updated: 28 Oct 2008 - 06:04

I heard this was a good match and was curious about the comments, so I downloaded it. I don't think his forehand is an unusually controlled swing. He does hold it out there, but when he wants to hit it, his wrist and arm seem to make the same motion as anyone else's, just with the racquet in front. And as jimbob said, he does take a more traditional swing when time is limited.

It's probably a matter of style, I see a lot of tennis players do the same thing. He might be able to use different shots or disguise some shots, but it all comes down to personal technique.

I really do like how Adrian Grant plays through minimal contact to keep the point going. I also like how he beat Gaultier who is almost as big a whiner as Jonathan Power.

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From jimbob1965 - 27 Oct 2008 - 09:34   -   Updated: 27 Oct 2008 - 09:42

Shib, I think that the swing should always be controlled.  Power without control will result in loose shots that will be exploited by your opponents.  Admittedly, the particular swing technique of Adrain that I described during his match with Gaultier was usually seen when he had a bit more time at the back of the court and was wanting to send it back deep, which he usually achieved with medium pace by hitting the shot around the cutline level on the front wall, but he still managed to generate power when needed or appropriate.  All the pros in my opinion demonstrate total control with their swings, which is what sets them apart from the rest of us 'mere mortals'!  If you have a account, I would recommend downloading some of the excellent World Open matches, or perhaps catch some of the forthcoming live matches from the Qatar Classic this week.  Watching the pros is certainly helping my game at present.



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From rippa rit - 26 Oct 2008 - 13:10   -   Updated: 26 Oct 2008 - 13:11

shib - if the first priority in the shot is control, then the swing needs to be controlled; if the first priority is power, then the swing can be more relaxed and not as controlled.  We come back to that old argument about power v control.  Is that clear?

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From shib - 26 Oct 2008 - 12:20

I noticed you used "highly controlled" to describe Adrian's swing. Is this a good thing? Someone I was playing against came up to me and said my swing was very controlled and that if I let it go more I would have more power.

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From rippa rit - 24 Oct 2008 - 14:38   -   Updated: 24 Oct 2008 - 14:39

Jimbob - why your picture did not come up was, you forgot to put in a caption, so it is fixed now, and I will leave the pic on the initial post as it is a good visual shot.  That is a good pic taken while Adrian is in front of his opponent.  Good preparation, deceptive, balanced, and from that position Adrian can hit whatever shot he pleases.

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From jimbob1965 - 24 Oct 2008 - 08:04   -   Updated: 24 Oct 2008 - 14:24

Click Below for Attached Images

Adrian Grant's forehand

Hi Rippa.  I have searched the World Open galleries on Squashite and the best image of Adrian's forehand I could find is this one.  It's difficult to appreciate the stroke from a single image and it would obvioulsy be best viewed on video, but I think this image shows lots of the positive elements of his technique, including leading with the butt of the racket and open racket face, plus as you can't actually see the ball, I am assuming he is really giving the ball lots of space for that wide arc in the swing.

Although I have not tried the technique consciously as I have only played league games recently (and you don't want to start trying new things in those circumstances!), I have noticed that my game has generally improved lately, particularly on the forehand side, with two successive comfortable wins.  This may of course just be due to being generally inspired by watching these two fantastic matches from the World Open that I downloaded from PSA Live!  I don't mind where it comes from and long may it continue!



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From rippa rit - 22 Oct 2008 - 11:26   -   Updated: 24 Oct 2008 - 07:04

What you say, all sounds good to me.  Plenty of backswing to get the ball to rebound to length, plenty of room to swing and weight transfer to get the power and speed, controlled action.  Jim, try it yourself driving the ball from the back wall to the front wall to rebound to the back wall again.  You need a good swing, particularly if the ball slows-up at the back wall, and there is not much pace to work with.

Is there a picture of Adrian's swing anywhere?  They say a picture means a thousand words!

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The videos look really good to me, Good levels of lighting and a nice camera angle for the ones i have looked at. 

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