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John White retires

Published: 20 Oct 2008 - 07:04 by rippa rit

Updated: 31 Oct 2008 - 07:31

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Malcolm Willstrop farewells John White who announced his retirement after being defeated by James Willstrop in the second round of the 2008 World Open in Manchester.  There is to be a video interview with John and I will put some details of that up when known. 

I have different recollections of John as he did his earlier squash in Townsville, North Queensland, coached by his Dad Ian.  He was part of our Qld Junior contingent from age 13 during my years as State Coach.  John then resided in Scotland (his Dad's birth place) and my memories are through his entertaining video games watched through U-tube and PSAlive.  He is unique in his style, his powerful drives, his flair.  He is a family man with four children, is residing in the US, and his plans for the future may be told in the video.

Good luck John.


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From weiran - 31 Oct 2008 - 01:20   -   Updated: 31 Oct 2008 - 07:27

The video has been posted to YouTube:

Not the best audio quality, but well worth a watch.

I very much regret never seeing John White play on court, I couldn't make it to the British Open this year and could only go to the semi and finals of the Worlds. Hopefully some time down the line I may see his particularly unique brand of squash in an exhibition match!

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From raystrach - 20 Oct 2008 - 08:36

i used to see jw regularly when he was with the AIS. john had a quality that not many people have, personal charisma.

it was great to see him do well over the many years he was one of the worlds leading players. It was not always so.

i clearly remember when he and David Palmer won the inaugural Australian Doubles title, they dropped around to our office and we were having a chat . i was playing in the top league at the time and used to see john play regularly. i always thought that he would play so much better if he played a more attacking game as, at the time, he seldom volleyed or used his reach to cut off the ball. i told him that i thought he was the biggest underachiever in australian squash. i was glad he was starting to (in australian vernacular) "pull his finger out"

of course, i was forced to email him when he made the world open final and take it back, although by that time he was playing for scotland.

i doubt if what i said to him made any difference at all, but he certainly came good and played a great brand of squash. the sport will be the poorer  for his retirement.

best of luck in the future whitey.

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