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Serve hits the side wall and juts into the court?

Published: 16 Oct 2008 - 16:00 by rippa rit

Updated: 26 Mar 2009 - 17:58

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Rippa Rita`s championship squash tip

The target on the front wall gives the angle of the ball/serve as it rebounds off the front wall. What to do ?

  • Aim about the middle of the front wall (then adjust according to your own stance, eg a little to the left or a little to the right, when serving).
  • Move side-on to the ball putting the front shoulder pointing towards the target will help get the angle.
  • To get a little more angle to the left, try throwing the ball toss for the serve a little further forward, then swing straight towards the target (avoid hitting across the ball to get the angle if possible).

This same theory applies when adjusting the cross court (as it can be another shot that juts out into the court).

The Squash Library/Footwork gives more information as well as a photo of the body positioning when striking the ball.


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From rippa rit - 26 Mar 2009 - 17:56

I just edited this article by adding the word Serve (ball was the incorrect word), and that made all the difference to the sense of the tip.

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